Chapter 71

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The blue haired girl was sitting on the windowsill, watching the orange-dyed sky turn dark. The door opened, her brother entering her room. She saw him from the reflection of the glass.

Fubuki: Serena?

Serena: ...

He approached her slowly, placing his hand on her shoulder. Her head turned slightly, making eye contact with her brother.

Fubuki: You know that we love you as you are.

Serena: Why didn't you tell me?

Fubuki: ...I think that sometimes, it's better for some truths to be untold. Truth can help you, but it can also destroy you.

Serena: What do you think will happen now? Will our lives be ruined thanks to that truth?

Fubuki: We have to live with it.

Serena: ...I see.

Fubuki: I don't know anything about your origin, but you will always be our adorable little sister.

Serena: Stop calling me that. It's embarrasing.

Fubuki: But you are adorable.

Serena: I'm not.

She took a pillow she had behind her back and hit him on the head with it.

Serena: If you say that one more time, I'll hit you.

Fubuki: You are adorable even when you are angry.

Serena: Now you did it.

The girl grabbed another pillow, trying to hit him again, but he blocked it with another pillow. He was waving it around in a playful manner.

Fubuki: I will stop calling you adorable if you beat me in a pillow fight.

Serena: Fine by me. I won't lose.

*a few minutes later*

Serena: Where are you?

She was wandering around her room, trying to find her brother. After the pillow fight, he went into hiding, leaving her to seek him out. She was standing close to her closet, while Fubuki was hiding on the side of it. When the girl wasn't looking, he gave her a surprise attack.

Fubuki: Got you!

Serena: Hey! No fair!

It was a moment filled with laughter and joy, making them forget their problems for a bit. It was soon broken by the front door opening downstairs.

Fubuki: Asuka.

Both got downstairs, ready to welcome her home but stopped in their tracks. Asuka was staring blankly and had a strange vibe about her.

Serena: Sister?

Asuka: Ah, there you are.

Fubuki: Asuka, are you alright? Why are you speaking like that?

Asuka: I am great. After all, I am reborn.

Both of them were confused by her words, looking at each other for answers.

Serena: Reborn?

Asuka: Yes. For I have seen the Light. The Light that will cleanse the world.

Serena: W... What?

Fubuki: Asuka, what are you saying?

Asuka: Join the Society of Light and let its purity guide you.

The words sounded familiar to the youngest sister, making her think. Her eyes went wide at the realization.

Serena: Did he turn you like this?

Fubuki: Serena?

Suddenly she grabbed her older sister's shoulders, shaking her as means to get her back to her senses.

Serena: What has that man done to you?!

Asuka: Master Saiyu has opened my eyes and with his divine power, this world will become perfect.

Serena: Sister!

The blonde haired girl forcefully grabbed her sister by her wrists and flung her to the ground, the latter letting out a whimper. Her green eyes were met with cold, blank eyes of the person she called sister. Their brother rushed to Serena's side, helping her to get up.

Fubuki: Asuka! What happened to you? You never laid a hand on anyone.

Asuka: Both of you are impure. You may join us, but if not, we can force you.

Serena: So if I were to beat you in a duel, you would return to normal?

Asuka: Yes, but that is impossible. I have the divine force of the light on my side.

Serena: We'll see about th-

Her brother put an arm in front of her, as a warning. She was about to ask when he turned to her with a concerned look.

Fubuki: Don't fight her. I have a very bad feeling about this.

Serena: ...

Fubuki: Let's go outside.


Daichi: You have done amazing work.

Yuri: Thank you.

The prince could tell his teacher was holding back his excitement. After all, Daichi Misawa was known for his love of science. An idea popped up in his head, glancing at the potions with a mischievous smile.

Yuri: If I keep expanding my knowledge, I will surely surpass everyone.

The teacher turned to him, looking displeased. There was the reaction Yuri wanted to see.

Daichi: Knowledge isn't everything.

Yuri: I am aware. Combat skills are just as useful. However, one can eliminate an entire army with poison in a short amount of time.

Daichi: Logical reasoning can do wonders.

Their conversation was cut short by shouting from outside. Both turned to the door, looking at each other before nodding in agreement. Daichi opened the door, looking out on the hallway. In the distance were Johan, Sho and Sora who seemed to be arguing. The two of them approached them.

Sora: But I want to go out!

Sho: The answer is no! You are not allowed to go outside for leisure! Those are the king's orders!

Sora: But-

Yuri: What is all this commotion?

Sho: Misawa. My prince.

Daichi: Has the king given orders for something?

Johan: Yeah. You see, people have been acting strange starting from today. Hell Kaiser is out to investigate. Judai is out as well.

Yuri: Really? And he didn't bother to tell me?

Johan: He said it was private.

Sora: I can deal with strange people.

Sho: I said no! Until the lord commander comes back, no one is allowed to go out unless it's necessary!

The little boy huffed, tip toeing away. The prince turned to the rest with a curious expression.

Yuri: Does anyone know the cause?

Sho: Well...

Yuri: So you know something.

Sho: Not-

Johan: We can discuss that later. It's a complicated subject to talk about.

A guard called Sho and Johan, telling them that someone had arrived. Given the current situation, they hoped it wasn't something bad.

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