Characters in the story(may update it later)

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Standard Kingdom

Yugi ➡️ king

Yuya ➡️ prince

Jounouchi ➡️ Yugi's right hand and best friend

Gongenzaka ➡️ Yuya's right hand and best friend

Seto ➡️ lord commander

Honda ➡️ chef

Miho ➡️ chef assistant

Otogi ➡️ Yuya's teacher

Anzu ➡️ Yugi's love interest

Yuzu ➡️ Yuya's love interest

Syuzo ➡️ father of Anzu and Yuzu

Fusion Kingdom

Judai ➡️ king

Yuri ➡️ prince

Yubel ➡️ Judai's butler(she is female and in human form)

Ryo ➡️ lord commander

Sho ➡️ king's advisor

Johan ➡️ chef

Dennis ➡️ Yuri's right hand

Sora ➡️ Yuri's assistant

Daichi ➡️ Yuri's teacher and doctor

Asuka ➡️ Judai's love interest

Serena ➡️ Yuri's love interest

Fubuki ➡️ Asuka's and Serena's brother

Synchro Kingdom

Yusei ➡️ king

Yugo ➡️ prince

Crow ➡️ Yusei's right hand

Jack ➡️ lord commander

Chojiro Tokumatsu ➡️ royal guard

Rua ➡️ Yugo's assistant and friend

Ruka ➡️ Yugo's assistant and friend

Akiza ➡️ Yusei's love interest

Rin ➡️ Yugo's love interest

Setsuko and Hideo ➡️ Akiza's and Rin's parents

XYZ Kingdom

Yuma ➡️ king

Yuto ➡️ prince

Akari ➡️ princess and sister of Yuma and Yuto

Haru ➡️ grandmother of Yuma, Yuto and Akari

Tetsuo ➡️ Yuma's right hand

Kaito ➡️ lord commander

III, IV, and V ➡️ members of the royal guard

Ryoga ➡️ Yuma's advisor and blacksmith

Rio ➡️ Yuto's teacher and doctor

Kotori ➡️ Yuma's love interest

Ruri ➡️ Yuto's love interest

Shun ➡️ brother of Kotori and Ruri

Yone ➡️ grandmother of Kotori, Ruri and Shun

Mr. Mizuki and Ms. Mizuki ➡️ parents of Kotori, Ruri and Shun

Other characters

Leo ➡️ former king

Himika ➡️ former queen

Yusho ➡️ former advisor and Leo's best friend

Yoko ➡️ Yusho's wife

Reiji ➡️ Leo's son and former prince

Ray ➡️ Leo's daughter and former princess

Zarc ➡️ war arts master

The Fate That Binds The Will(Yu-Gi-Oh! AU Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora