Chapter 43

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Shun: You said what?!

Kotori: Ruri...

She almost lost consciousness. Shun and Sayaka caught her before she would fall. 

Sayaka: Keep it together.

Kotori: Ruri... Why did they kidnap her?

Shun: I don't know, but don't worry. I will save her. Sayaka, what else did you see?

Sayaka: The person had a hood on, but I saw their eyes were blue. Judging by the body physique, it seemed to be male.

Shun: We have to find out who it was and where did he sent her to.

Yuto: Shuuun!

Shun: Yuto?!

When he arrived, he was on the verge on collapsing. He placed his hands on his knees, gasping for breath.

Shun: You ran?

Yuto: Ruri... What happened to Ruri?

Shun: Ruri... Someone kidnapped her.

Yuto: What?! Who?!

Kotori turned away, her eyes glossed over with tears, threatening to fall. The thought of her little sister being in danger was frightening.

Shun: Sadly, we have very little information.

Kotori: Prince.

Yuto: Yes?

Kotori: How did you find out about Ruri?

He rolled his sleeve, revealing the mark, which had a faint glow. Seeing it made them realize that he had felt something.

Sayaka: Is that the mark that connects you with Ruri?

Yuto: It is. Apparently, if something happens to her, it reacts to warn me about it.

III: Found him!

The others had rushed to the village, since the prince had left suddenly.

Yuma: Yuto, don't leave like that! Say something before you do, at least.

He lowered his head, making Yuma a little curious as to why.

Yuma: Hey. What happened?


Yuma: What?! She was kidnapped?

Rio and Sayaka were comforting Kotori, whom had started crying at the mention of her little sister.

Yuto: Not much is known for the attacker.

Shun: What if that former prince is behind this?

Everyone looked at him with surprise.

V: Why do you think that?

Shun: It can't be a coincidence. Right after he left, my sister is taken away a few days later.

Kaito: That is impossible.

The looks were now directed at the lord commander of XYZ kingdom.

Kaito: I admit, he has given us quite a hard time, before and now. However, Reiji Akaba is not a spineless coward.

IV: I agree. He wasn't likeable from the people, but he did things fair and square. But I do remember a person that would go to such lengths.

III: You don't mean-

Yuma: The former king?

III: I wonder where he was when his son came to attack us.

IV: Isn't that obvious? Hiding in his den while others do the dirty work.

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