Chapter 58

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*a month and a half ago*

Kotori: Shun, let me come with you. I also want to help on finding Ruri.

Shun: No means no.

Kotori: Shu-

Shun: It's too dangerous for you to come along. You have to stay here and support the citizens. I promise we will find Ruri and bring her back safe and sound.

Kotori: Alright. I understand.

???: Do not lose hope! Have fire in your heart! Heart Burning!

The yells of a man caught the attention of the two. It seemed he was lifting up the spirits of the people, or trying to, only to fail miserably.

Shun: Who is that lunatic?

Kotori: That used to be Dr. Faker's right hand man. However, because of an incident involving the Numbers, he had dissappeared. It came as a surprise to me when Vector brought him here, since most people thought he died.

Shun: You said Vector brought him here?

Kotori: Yes.

Shun: I don't trust this guy or the other one. Keep your eyes open.

Kotori: If you say so.

He gazed at his surroundings, then started walking away.

Kotori: Shun.

He stopped, turning to her with a curious look.

Shun: Yeah?

Kotori: ...Don't die out there. I do not want to lose you like...

She trailed off, unable to finish her sentence. His eyes softened a little, a small but sad smile curling on his face.

Shun: I swore to protect you and Ruri. I won't die without completing this task.

Kotori: Shun...

He left his sister to pursue the prince and Vector, who were both waiting for him.

Vector: Finally. It took you a while.

Shun: Are you worried that you will miss out on something?

Vector: Watch your-

Yuto: Please, do not start a fight. We have to save Ruri and this kingdom, alright?

Both quieted down, but the tension was strongly present as they kept glaring at each other.

Yuto: Vector, where are we going?

Vector: Fusion kingdom.

Shun: Why there?

Vector: A friend of mine has a few leads on where Ruri might be held captive.

Yuto: Really?! Then let's go!

Vector: Now now prince, don't be impulsive. It will only lead to further problems that you do not want to find yourself into.

Yuto: Understood.


Going to the Fusion kingdom by foot was not the easy route. However, Vector said that going by boat would attract attention, which they, him in particular, didn't want.

Vector: Alright, we have come to the right destination.

All three were overlooking the Fusion kingdom, which was lively as ever. Just like Standard and Synchro kingdoms, Fusion kingdom is a peninsula, partially surrounded by water. Unlike all other three kingdoms, this one has the best climate, which is one of the reasons the population is high.

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