Chapter 52

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He had returned, taking his seat beside Serena. The encounter with the fortuneteller had left him on a daze.

Serena: What's the matter?

The prince noticed that her siblings and his brother were focused on the match, so he decided to tell her.

Yuri: The Gladiator seems to have taken an interest on me. I saw him stare at me.

Serena: So you leaving to the toilet was a ruse? Did you find him?

Yuri: No, but I found someone else. They said they were a fortuneteller.

Her body gave a jolt at the word. Yuri noticed and became suspicious.

Serena: Fortuneteller, you say?

Yuri: That one over there.

Her eyes followed the direction at where he was pointing and her face went pale. It was the same person who had said those disturbing words.

Serena: Did he say anything to you? Like a prediction or something?

Yuri: Yes, but I don't believe in such stuff. What about you, why are you so scared?

Serena: What? I-I'm not scared!

Yuri: You met him before, didn't you? Whatever he said must have given you chills.

Serena: I rather not tell. It's personal.

Yuri: Suit yourself.

They stopped conversing and resumed watching.

Yuri: There are new Kas on his field?

Serena: While you were gone, he fused the Ojamas and leveled up Armed Dragon to LV 5.

Yuri: That thing...

Serena: Is it the appearance that disgusts you?

Yuri: I can't take it seriously. Just look at it.

Serena: ...It does look odd.

Manjome: At this moment, I activate Ojama King's element ability. If I have at least one more Ka on the field beside Ojama King, you cannot summon more monsters.

Gloria: What?

Spectators: That's it Manjome Thunder!

Presenter: As expected from the great Manjome! What other surprises will he show us?

Manjome: Armed Dragon LV 5 activates his element ability! All of your monsters will be wiped out if they don't have the same element as Armed Dragon!

Gloria: Nice try, but Amazoness Empress protects other Amazoness monsters from destruction.

Manjome: But she herself will be destroyed.

Presenter: Gloria Tyler lost her partner monster! However, she is still on the game because she has another Ka.

Serena: Wait, you can still win even if you have lost your partner monster?

Asuka: That only applies if you have another Ka when the partner monster is destroyed. Otherwise, you lose.

Serena: I see.

Manjome: Armed Dragon LV 5 attack Amazoness Pet Liger!

Gloria: Fool, have you forgotten the effect? Pet Liger can lower the opposite Kas' attack and raise its own. The same will happen if you attack with Ojama King, although it will lose its effect and I will be able to summon monsters to save myself.

He was hesitantly looking at an ability charm, knowing that it would come with a cost. Was it worth it? To him, yes.

Manjome: I activate the yellow charm to boost Armed Dragon LV 5's attack!

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