Chapter 19

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Judai: ...

Sora: ...

Dennis: ...

The arena had fallen quiet. Then, someone clapped.

Judai: Huh?

They turned to see who was clapping and to their surprise, it was Yubel.

Yubel: Splendid work, young prince. On your first try, you were able to master your partner monster.

Yuri: I don't need this much praise, but thank you.

Daichi: She's right; I have never seen anyone to win with their partner monster for the first time. This is an achievement.

Yuri: I hope you don't cancel the other matches just because I defeated you, teacher.

Daichi: Haha, no. If you want to test yourself, you have them to fight against.

Yuri: Good. Which one of you wants to fight me?

Dennis: My prince, you can choose any of us.

Sora: I don't mind if I'm first or last.

Yuri chose Sora first to test himself further. While this was going on, Daichi went to Judai.

Daichi: Your majesty, he has great power.

Judai: Is it a good thing or a bad thing?

Daichi: It depends on his choice. My advice would be to keep an eye on him. His actions can increase his amount of power, but it can lead to chaos.

Judai: Thank you for the advice.

Daichi bowed and took his leave. Judai gestured to Yubel to come with him and both left the arena.

Yubel: Please don't frown. You can tell me what's wrong.

Judai: You already know what I'm worried about.

Yubel: It's about Yuri, isn't it?

Judai: Even though I know he's a good person at heart, I...

Yubel: You think he can be swayed the other way?

Judai: ...Yes.

She stopped on her tracks.

Yubel: Judai.

He stopped when she heard him call his name. He turned around to see a serious look on her face.

Yubel: You also took the same path when you were a teenager. Do you remember?

Judai: How can I forget?

Yubel: It was partially my fault for what happened to you, but I had a close eye on you. Thankfully, I was able to fix my mistake.

Judai: It wasn't really your fault.

Yubel: I was involved in it, but what I'm trying to say is that just like I was able to save you back then, we can do the same for Yuri. If he does try to get to the dark side.

Judai: Yubel?

Yubel: What is it?

Judai: I thank the Supreme Goddess for bringing you in my life. What would I have done without you?

Yubel: You would cry and call for me.

Judai: You.

She giggled while the other sighed. It was always the same with the two. She would tease him and he would either be embarrased or annoyed.

Judai: "But really, I'm glad you are on my side. You have helped me a lot, I can't even thank you properly."


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