Chapter 73

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Both of them were panting, their partner monsters standing beside their owners. Judai wiped his forehead, the fight had gotten the better of them.

Alito: You... You pack quite a punch.

Judai: Heh... You are not far behind. It has been a while since I have felt this excited over a duel.

Alito: Me too. If the circumstances were different, we could have been friends.

Judai: I think that possibility exists.

Alito: Doubt it. We are on different sides.

Judai: Isn't it possible for us to work as a team? This duel has showed us that we have similar beliefs.

Alito: ...I will consider it if we end this match. But I have one condition.

Judai: And that is?

Alito: I think it's time we stop playing around. How about you show me your real strength?

Judai: Ooh! That's one thing I can't refuse! But you better do the same.

Alito: Oh I will. Let's make this a duel none of us will forget.

Judai: Yeah!

Raising his arm, a strange energy was forming. Alito's monster was emitting a dark aura, transforming.

Judai: Whoa! What is that?

Alito: This is Chaos. In your world, it goes by the name "Ba".

Judai: "Seems to be corrupted Ba. I am a bit worried, but excited at the same time."

Alito: Oh chaos that swallows the darkness, you will pierce through the light! Chaos Xyz Change! Appear, Chaos Number 105! Burning Knuckle Comet Cestus!

Star Cestus had changed its form, looking more powerful. The king could barely hold his excitement.

Judai: Awesome! I don't know what Chaos XYZ Change is, but it looks so cool!

His trusty partner appeared beside him, crossing her arms.

Yubel: You really are an idiot. Instead of focusing on defeating your opponent, you admire their strength.

Judai: I can't help it.

Alito: Huh? Who's that?

Judai: It's a long story.

Alito: Oh well. This is my ultimate power. Face me with all your might.

Judai: With pleasure. Time to bring my friends into the fight. Come to me, Neo Spacians!

Six new monsters appeared beside Neos, all with different appearances and abilities.

Alito: Whoa! You summoned all of them at once!

Judai: Yep, but that's not all.

His destiny charm was glowing, catching the Barian's attention. Judai grabbed it, showing it to him.

Judai: Neo Spacians along with Neos can perform a special type of fusion summon.

Alito: Is that so? What's it called?

Judai: Contact Fusion. With this destiny charm, I can do that, but I don't necessarily need it.

Alito: That is awesome.

Judai: Isn't it? Now that everyone are here, I can show you my real strength. Right guys?

Dark Panther: Of course. We have been waiting.

Aqua Dolphin: Let's go Judai.

Judai: You got it.

Alito: "He can talk to monsters? I knew he had special abilities, but this is rare. This guy is something."

Judai: Neos, Air Hummingbird, Aqua Dolphin, Dark Panther, Flare Scarab, Glow Moss, Grand Mole. Contact Fusion!

He raised the destiny charm, giving away a bright, orange glow. The monsters were fused together, emitting a beautiful glow. Their final form was revealed, the monster adorned with gold.

Judai: This is Elemental Hero God Neos.

Alito: ...This is...

Judai: Yes?

Alito: This is amazing!

Judai: I know right? Now I am ready to fight.

There was tension in the air, both very determined to take down the other. Judai grabbed a light charm, his monster already on the move.

Judai: Using his light ability, God Neos raises his attack according to the number of the monsters that were fused!

Alito: Burning Knuckle Comet Cestus' fire ability allows him to destroy the opposing monster and its attack is dealt as damage to your Ba. And since that is your partner monster, it's game over for you!

Both monsters clashed, Comet Cestus' effect was slowly taking over God Neos. Judai went to grab a pink ability charm, but was snatched away by Alito. Neos was fading away.

Alito: A solid victory for- What?!

The king had a bright aura, the same one displayed on God Neos. The latter was countering Comet Cestus' blow.

Alito: His Akh is keeping the partner monster alive?! How can this be?!

Judai's monster made it through, throwing Alito's far away. This exchange of blows triggered a strange light, engulfing both of them.

Judai: What happened?

Alito: I don't know. Wait, where are we?

Below them was the Colosseum, filled with spectators. On the center of the field were two fighters, one of them recognized by them.

Judai: That's you!

Alito: But what does this mean?

The brawler defeated his opponent, everyone cheering for his victory. Then, the scenery was replaced with a different one. It showed three beasts, with a light behind them. On the opposite side of these beasts were two people, the brawler from before and a young boy with brown hair and eyes.

Judai: Is that...

Yubel: That is your past self, the Supreme King.

Judai: Yubel.

Alito: Wait, that's you?

Judai: Well, that is a past version mine.

Alito: So you are the reincarnation of that person?

Judai: Yeah. But you are beside me in this.

Alito: ...

Judai: Alito?

Alito: I... I remember now. I used to be a famous gladiator, living in the Holy Empire of the Rainbow Dragon.

Judai: So your origins lie on the Fusion Kingdom?

Alito: It seems so. The empire was cursed by the demon of the country back then.

Judai: The Light of Destruction...

Alito: Some of my memories are still vague, like this one.

Judai: It seems we are fighting the Sacred Beasts, the pawns of that demon. But you seem to be wearing gauntlets in here, compared to the previous memory.

Yubel: Could those be the weapon that sealed the Light of Destruction?

As to confirm her words, Judai took out the destiny charm, glowing at the memory. It had a strong reaction to the gauntlets, the king surprised by it.

Judai: It is!

Alito: Were you looking for them?

Judai: Yeah. I heard the demon is awake once more. I need all the help I can get to take it down.

Alito: ...I see.

The memory faded away, bringing them back to where they left off. God Neos had defeated Comet Cestus, making Alito fall on his knees. Judai had won.

The Fate That Binds The Will(Yu-Gi-Oh! AU Story)Where stories live. Discover now