Chapter 50

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Asuka: That is beautiful.

Judai: Is that so?

The woman looked at the king in curiosity, but was surprised at what he did next.

Asuka: Judai, you didn't have to buy it for me.

Judai: But you like it, right? Here.

He placed a necklace with a deep blue gemstone on her neck. It was a perfect fit.

Asuka: You didn't have to.

Judai: I didn't have to do it, I wanted to do it.

Asuka: Haha. You haven't changed that much.

Their younger siblings were further away, seeing for themselves what to get. It was Judai's idea to go on a shopping date, as he called it. So far it was going well. Serena was gazing at the jewelry when she glanced at the prince.

Serena: Are you bored?

Yuri: What do you think? Shopping date? Only he comes up with such ridiculous ideas.

Serena: There is nothing here that catches your interest?

Instead of giving a reply, he looked around. And something did catch his interest; a shop selling lab equipment. The prince began looking for anything useful he could use on his personal lab.

Serena: "I think he is obsessed. Maybe it's fine, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone."

A group of people were lining up at a stand. She took notice of this and went to take a look. There was a man, holding cards on his hand and some others were on a small, round table.

Serena: Tarot cards?

???: Lovers, upright. You will develop a healthy relationship with the one you hold dear.

Girl: Thank you.

???: It is my job to guide people in the right path. I hope you come back.

She nodded and left with a pleased expression. Serena was a little intrigued, despite the fact that she didn't believe in fortune-telling. To her, destiny was not set in stone; sure, maybe some things are meant to be, but other ones can change. That's what she believed.

???: Young miss, do you want to know what destiny has in store for you?

She looked surprised, turning to face the man. He had extended his hand to her, a small smile present on his face.

Serena: I do not believe in destiny.

???: How unfortunate. However, you can always try something new.

She glared at him, but he wasn't threatened by it in the slightest. He shuffled his deck of cards, then spread them on the table.

???: Let's see what the cards say about you.

Serena: I said I didn't-

???: Tower upright. At some point, your life will turn upside down. Your relationships will crumble because of the shaky foundation they are built on. A weak foundation will not support the tower for long.

Those words made her skin crawl. A feeling stronger than fear had engulfed her entire body; was it dread?

Serena: Don't joke around! You know nothing about me!

???: You would be shocked if I revealed how much I know about you.

The feeling of dread came back to her, dominating her whole being.

Serena: "Just who is this person?"

???: I hope to see you around, Serena Tenjoin.

Okay, maybe he was right. Maybe he really knew her. What else did he know about her and her family? Was it just her or did he know everyone's secrets? Nonetheless, it was disturbing.

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