Chapter 33

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Yuto: Took their own life?

The story took such a twist that none of them could expect.

Shun: If the village is desolate, aren't you supposed to leave as well? There is nothing for you to guard anymore.

Garuda: The village may be desolate, but the altar should be protected at all costs.

Ruri: Does the altar serve a purpose?

Garuda: It is responsible for keeping the demon of this country sealed. The other countries have their own altars as well.

Yuto: Had they always been in the said countries?

Garuda: They were built by the Plana themselves to stop the spread of the corruption. If the altar is left unprotected, the demon goes rampant.

Shun: Did the creators of the Ka-Ba make the technique to combat the demons?

Ruri: Eh? What do you mean by that?

Shun: It is rumoured the siblings tamed monsters and placed them within people with high levels of Ba as a means of stopping the corruption.

Yuto: Wait, the technique was to oppose the demons, not to save themselves from their wrath?

Garuda: It was here, in their birthplace, that they created the technique. At first, they made it to become independent from the blessing of the Light Goddess. Later, it was developed to go against the fiends.

Ruri: Blessing of the Goddess?

Garuda: Plana's power derive from her directly. However, only two people had the right to have this incredible power; the Vessel and the Protector.

Yuto: Vessel? Protector?

Shun: I haven't heard of these terms.

Garuda: The Vessel of Purification was the main host of the Plana power. Their duty was to purify corruption from people's souls. It was always a female that would take the role. The Protector was the secondary host of that power. If the Vessel wasn't around, they would fill the role temporarily. Their duty was to protect the people from corruption.

Yuto: Is it possible that the creators of Ka-Ba were the Vessel and the Protector?

Garuda: That is right. But after that devastating battle, their fates were sealed. They will return to finish what they started. Their arrival is coming soon.

The last statement left them baffled.

Ruri: They will appear?

Garuda: Yes, but they can't on their own. They need their reincarnations in order to manifest.

Yuto: Reincarnations?

Garuda: Since then, they always returned through vessels made just for them.

Shun: You aren't saying the reincarnations...

Garuda: Yes, this time is no different. The reincarnations are born.

Shun: Tch. If that's the case, the battle from eons ago will be repeated and this world will plummet.

Ruri: No way.

The prince felt that he had to know who were the vessels made to carry the siblings.

Yuto: Garuda, if you know they live, you must know who they are.

Garuda: You really want to know? The truth is nothing you expect.

Yuto: Shun is right. If they are left to be, who knows what will happen to us. No matter what that truth is, something must be done.

???: I should have known you would come here.

Ruri: Eh? Who is that?

Yuto: It can't be.

He turned around to confirm his suspicion. His eyes caught the sight of the person he knew well.

Yuto: Ryoga.

Ryoga: When I saw the look you gave to your brother, I knew something was off, but I didn't expect to find you here out of all places.

Ruri went closer to her brother, grabbing his sleeve.

Ruri: Who is he?

Shun: Probably from the palace staff. Did he follow us?

The expression Ryoga had wasn't his usual one. It was too stern; exactly the kind of look someone gives to another when they do something immoral.

Ryoga: You aren't allowed to be here. Leave at once.

Yuto: ...You know something.

Ryoga: What gives you the idea?

Yuto: I am sure you heard what was said here and now you want me to leave. As if I should not know.

Ryoga: Deal it with the king. But if you want to know the truth you are seeking, you have to learn it from him. I won't spill the beans.

His eyes averted from the prince and went to the other two.

Ryoga: You two stay out of this. Don't pry further than you have to.

*later, in the prince's room*

The blacksmith sent Shun and Ruri to their home and brought the prince back in the castle. He filled the king in about the recent event, leaving him shaken.

Yuma: Yuto, I warned you not to wander off into unknown places without my permission.

Yuto: What are you hiding from me?

Yuma: What?

Yuto: I didn't find out what the guardian had to tell me. You know what he knows too, don't you?

Yuma: ...Sometimes, it's better not knowing the truth.

Yuto: Why can't you say it? You think I won't handle it?

Yuma: The truth hurts more than you think.

Yuto: So you are willing to lie?

Yuma: ...

Yuto: So you will never tell?

Yuma: I... I...

His heart was beating fast. He almost thought it was going to get out of his chest. He recalled memories from the war 14 years ago, feeling his emotions clash with one another; he couldn't make up his mind.

Yuma: "Bring it to them... I can't. For now, I will just..." You don't have to know. I am fine with how things are now. If you go out and seek the truth, then nothing will ever be the same. I have to stop you.

Yuto: W-What are you saying?

Yuma: Forgive me.

Suddenly, he dashed for the door, going out. Yuto tried to follow, but the door wouldn't open.

Yuto: Brother! Open up! What did you do?!

Yuma: Call me a coward if you so desire! Is it so wrong that I don't want anything to change?!

Yuto: What will change? You are my older brother and nothing will change that!

Tears threatened to fall from the young king's eyes, but he bit his lip, trying to hold them in. While he was holding the door, he took out a green charm, looking just like Judai's and Yusei's. He got it close to the lock and a sound of it being jammed was heard.

Yuma: "I am sorry, Yuto. Please forgive me."

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