Chapter 15

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Yuma: How was it?

Yuto: Better than I expected.

They were at the dining table eating. Everything was fine and dandy, until-

Akari: What is going on here?

Yuma got frustrated.

Yuma: Not my annoying big sister...

Yuto was calm at hearing her voice, sipping on his cup of tea.

Akari: You still haven't finished yet?

Yuma: I just got the food.

Akari: Well, slowpoke, hurry up.

Yuma: "Just dissappear..."

Akari: Yuto, you should too.

Yuto: Yes sister.

She left the room. That's when Yuma snapped.

Yuma: That annoying brat!

Yuto sweatdropped at the sight of his brother. There were times he wondered if the kingdom was in good hands, considering his brother's... questionable behaviour.

Yuto: "Sometimes I wonder who is the big brother here."

Yuma: Why does she want us to finish anyway? She isn't the one in charge.

A small cough was heard from the distance. Yuma and Yuto looked and saw two men in armor.

Yuma: III! V! You're back!

III: Yes my king! We assisted the village like you said.

Yuma: I suppose you were successful.

V: We were your Majesty. And about your sister, she wants to eat with us.

Yuto: So that's why.

Yuma: That sister... "She's trying to hit on them, isn't she?"

V: Don't worry yoir Majesty. We aren't in hurry.

Yuma: You can get some rest before eating. Oh, where's IV?

III: He's... um... doing his thing...

Yuto: Ryoga will be mad.

Yuma: I would rather not see him right now.

Yuto: I'll be going.

Yuma: Eh? But you haven't-

Yuto: I know. I'll eat it later. Better not to get big sister Akari mad.

He got up, leaving behind a confused Yuma. Yuto was going to his room, when he saw what III described. He saw IV talking to his teacher, Rio. Well, the young prince wasn't really sure of their relationship.

Rio: You are hiding something from me.

IV: Me? What would I be hiding?

The girl tried to look behind him, but it was useless.

Rio: Show me. What is behind your back?

IV: Close your eyes darling.

Her pink eyes closed. He took out what he was hiding and got her hands, placing it on them.

IV: Okay, you can open your eyes.

She did and gasped. It was a flower, but not just any flower.

Rio: Orchide?

IV: It was close to the village I was going to assist. I thought of you when I saw it.

Rio: Thomas, I love it!

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