Chapter 46

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*at the village*

V: Those two sure are taking their time.

Kaito: We have to search for them and for the prince.

III: Whoa!

IV: What's the matter III?

III: There!

He pointed at the cliff. A somewhat familiar dragon was fighting an unknown monster.

Kaito: What the?

III: Your Majesty! You have to see this!

He came out from one of the houses, looking at them in confusion.

Yuma: Did something happen?

V: Look at the cliff.

He did as he was told and gasped in horror. His reaction was unexpected from the rest.

IV: Do you know what is happening?

Yuma: I...

He felt the urge to leave immediately and he followed it. The others gasped in surprise.

III: Wait, where are you going?

Yuma: Look after the people! They are in danger!

His statement left them even more confused, but he had left before any of them could ask further.

III: V-nii-sama, should we follow?

V: I can tell something bad has occurred. However, if the king doesn't want us to get involved, then we will stay here and do what he said.

IV: Nothing good will come out of staying here.

V: I know, but we can't go against his wishes.

Kaito: ...


Yuto: Brother...

Yuma: ...

Now that the king had appeared, his blank and emotionless nature had been broken, showing signs of regret and worry.

Yuma: Answer me Yuto. Did you kill Ryoga and Rio?

Yuto: ...

Yuma: Yuto, answer me!

His voice cracked, showing how hurt he truly was. When he looked up, he saw his older brother crying silently. The prince dug his nails on the palm of his hand.

Yuto: I did. I killed them. They were enemies.

Yuma: How could you?! Out of all people, you killed the ones that were the closest to you?!

Yuto: They lied! They were Barians!

Yuma: ...Barian? No way...

Vector: I am afraid that is the truth.

Yuma: Vector! Why did you do this?! I thought you changed!

That caused the redhead to throw in a fit of maniacal laughter.

Vector: Change? Me? In your dreams! I only pretended to have a change of heart, just so I could get close to you. Especially, when I found out that you were going to raise the vessel of the Protector.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, while Vector kept laughing.

Yuma: Why are you doing this?! If it's for revenge-

Vector: Whoa there. It is not that simple. Sure, I am still mad about you winning years ago, although, that was never my master plan.

Yuma: What do you hope to achieve?

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