Chapter 18

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*Fusion Kingdom, underground dungeon*

Man 1: We don't deserve this!

Yubel: Are you sure? Trying to rape a young girl is not a crime, according to you?

Man 2: Why do we have to fight to death?!

Yubel: It's simple. Those that commit harsh crimes are destined to fight each other until their last breath.

Along with her was Yuri, whom was death glaring at the men.

Yubel: It won't be my fault if you faint.

Yuri: Heh. Keep thinking that way.

She smirked, then turned to the men.

Yubel: You better do this nicely, or I'll force you to do it.

Among the many laws, there was one that stood out. Instead of a death penalty, the criminals would fight each other in the palace dungeons for their life (either by brute force or partner monster). But it was unlikely for any of them to stay alive after such fights.

Yuri: Will this be enough?

Yubel: It's more than enough. Trust me.

The four men were forced to fight each other. Yuri saw it with amusement.

Yuri: They got what they deserved.

He then went to take his leave.

Yubel: Why are you leaving?

Yuri: I saw what I needed to see. The rest is history.

The prince got out and closed the door behind him. When he got to the middle of the stairs, he saw a figure. He kept walking and the figure started to become clear.

Yuri: Brother?

Judai: Are you satisfied?

Yuri: I am and I thank you for letting me see it.

Judai: I'm not allowing you there again though.

Both started walking along the hallway.

Yuri: Do I look like a weak-hearted person?

Judai: It's not that. I am afraid that if you're exposed to what you see down there, you might become-

Yuri: A bloodthirsty ruler?

Judai: Yes.

Yuri: Well, no. I would give such punishments to those who deserve it.

The older brother sighed in relief.

Judai: Ok, now that you are done with that, it's time for you to learn to control your powers.

Yuri: If it doesn't entertain me, I'll pass.

Judai sweatdropped, because of his constant pickiness.

Judai: I can't promise that it will be fun for you, but it is essential.

Both stopped in front of a gate. The king grabbed the handle and pushed it open. Beyond it was an open arena. At the edge was Daichi Misawa, Sora and Dennis. Yuri raised an eyebrow at what he was seeing.

Yuri: What are you two doing here?

He didn't try to hide his irritation.

Sora: Eh? Don't you need to train?

Dennis: My prince, you will first learn how to use your powers and to control your partner monster. Then, you will practice.

Yuri: Oh.

Judai: Yuri. Come here.

The king was talking to Daichi about the training before calling out to Yuri. The latter came to the two.

Judai: Your teacher will help you through the training. There's no need to be scared of this.

Yuri: I'm not scared, I'm annoyed by you right now.

He would love to scold the young prince for his speech, but just turned away and took a seat to watch him practice. Yuri turned to his teacher.

Yuri: Are we going to start?

Daichi: Of course.

During this time, Daichi helped Yuri concentrate. Then, the latter was able to summon his partner monster. Dennis, Sora and Judai were surprised at how strong the monster was.

Yuri: Starving Venom Fusion Dragon. This is my monster.

Daichi: Well done on completing the first step.

He took out some heart-shaped objects(look above at the image)and showed them to the prince.

Yuri: What are those?

Daichi: Charms. They are use to enhance a monster's ability. There are two types of charms.

He had one of the objects on his left hand, extending it for Yuri to see.

Daichi: This is the ability charm. As the name says, it grants the monster numerous abilities. They are four in total, each with different colors. They come in orange, yellow, purple and pink.

Yuri: How do I know what each of them does?

Daichi: The orange one grants the monster defense power; the yellow one boosts a monster's attack; the purple one grants the monster faster movement and the pink one protects the monster from destruction. The one I have in my left hand is the orange one.

Yuri: Orange for defense, yellow for attack power, purple for moving faster and pink for protection.

Daichi: Good, you memorized it fast. Now look over at my right hand.

Yuri's eyes went to the other hand and the object was just like the one on Daichi's left hand, but it had a different color.

Yuri: Why is that red?

Daichi: This is the element charm. It allows the monster to activate its element ability. There are six of them in total; white, black, red, blue, green and brown. Each of the colors represents the element. To find out which element your monster belongs to, I'll give you the element charms and you will find out which one reacts to it.

He put the orange charm back in his pocket and took out the rest of the element charms, giving them to Yuri. Yuri got the first charm close to the dragon, but it didn't react.

Yuri: Not light. Let's try the red one.

He tried them all, but it didn't react. So he tried the last one, which was black. It gave a glow when close to Starving Venom.

Yuri: It is dark.

He gave the other five to his teacher.

Daichi: Good. Now that you know your monster's element ability, how about we start practicing?

Yuri: A battle practice?

Daichi: It is.

He took out his partner monster, Water Dragon. Then, he snapped his fingers and numerous charms were floating around. Yuri looked around in curiousity.

Yuri: I get it. I have to work to get out my monster's special abilities.

Daichi: I expected you to figure it out. We will engage in battle. The first one who loses their partner monster loses the battle.

Yuri: I see. I'm ready.

Daichi&Yuri: Battle!

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