Chapter 45

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Yuto: Fwah!

Ryoga: Ugh!

He was pushed back by the prince.

Ryoga: "What power! How?!"

His eyes saw something that it was hard to unsee. The prince's right arm was pitch black.

Ryoga: No... You didn't...

Vector's face became giddy with joy. This was what he had been waiting for; all he wanted to see now was how he would use it.

Yuto: And if I did?

Ryoga was baffled. So many emotions were clashing with each other, he did not know how to react properly. His hand turned to a fist.

Ryoga: Since when you started to hunger for power?! Have you forgotten what you were fighting for?! Don't you want to save Ruri and this country?!

Yuto: You are not in the position to correct me.

Ryoga: ...!

Vector: "Heh, he got a taste of his own medicine."

Yuto: You posed yourself as someone who cares for this country and its people, but in reality you lied to get rid of me and my brother.

Ryoga: He filled your head with lies!

Vector: Whoa, don't accuse me out of the blue. Nasch, you said it yourself, you had to fight the vessel of the Protector eventually. So, doesn't that count as elimination?

Ryoga: Stop assuming thing-

A dark aura appeared on the prince, becoming bigger by the second.

Ryoga: What is that?

Vector: It's coming!

Suddenly, the prince summoned his Ka, the aura engulfing the dragon. The new form of Dark Rebellion was revealed, with green lines adorning most of the body. Yuto's eyes and birthmark began glowing brightly. The dragon looked down at Ryoga with a vicious gaze.

Yuto: Since you are getting in my way, I have to eliminate you.

The corrupted dragon prepared himself, then launched the attack at his target. Ryoga didn't even flinch; he was going to welcome his end with open arms. Of course, he could have reacted, but he didn't.

Rio: Nasch!

Something protected him from being annihilated. It was Rio's Ka, but it looked different.

Yuto: Teacher?

Vector: Merag, at last you made your appearance.

Rio: I won't let anyone hurt Nasch. Not even you, Yuto.

Yuto: I see you won't make it easy. Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion.

Rio: Ragnazero.

Upon hearing their names, both Kas prepared to fight. Once both wielders gave their signal, the battle started. Supreme King Dragon Dark Rebellion and Ragnazero were fighting like wild beasts, with the intention to kill the other.

Yuto: "Is this the power of Barian?"

Rio: "For him being a mere vessel for the great sinner, his power is over the limit."

None of the Kas had taken the lead. It seemed their power was equal.

Rio: I have no choice.

She raised her arm, some kind of energy forming in her hand. Yuto was confused, unaware of what she was going to do.

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