Chapter 74

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Sho: Big brother.

He had arrived, his face saying everything that they needed to know.

Fubuki: Ryo.

Ryo: I see you and your sister are safe.

Fubuki: Just us. Asuka has fallen.

Ryo: I'm sorry. We will do everything to bring her and everyone else back.

Johan: So the rumors are true?

Ryo: Unfortunately. Johan, you will have to unleash your true strength.

He sighed, hoping that it hadn't come to this.

Johan: I never thought I would have to use them again.

The youngsters were staring at him. He could feel their gaze, turning at them with a nervous smile.

Johan: You don't have to put me in such a position.

Yuri: ...Are you the country's secret weapon?

Johan: ...And the secret is out.

Sho: You are very observant, while Judai has no clue most of the time.

Yuri: This one was obvious. Why else would he make you a chef instead of a high ranking officer? I knew you were hiding something.

Johan: Aw, don't put it that way. It had to be done.

Yuri: Will you explain everything?

Johan: There is no beating around the bush. And with how things are going, we need all the help we can get.


Alito got up, going to the king and extending his hand. The latter seemed surprised by the gesture.

Alito: You beat me fair and square. You are a honorable fighter.

Judai: I can say the same for you. Thank you for the fight.

He did the same and the two shook hands in respect.

Judai: You promised me something if I won. A deal is a deal.

Alito: ...

Judai: What's the matter?

He sat down, looking up at the king. He seemed confused, the determination from before had left him.

Alito: I don't know if I am doing the right thing by helping you. It's not like I want to see the world destroyed, but I feel like I will betray my fellow Barians if I side with you.

Judai: ...Why did you end up in the Barian World?

Alito: What do you mean?

Judai: From what I know from Yuma, those who were not pure are sent there... a kind of rank down of the soul. But, for you to go there...

Alito: ...

???: Gladiator, I know the answer.

Judai&Alito: ...!

Titan appeared before them again, bowing in respect.

Judai: Titan!

Titan: My lord. The ancient weapon can only be obtained by one with an unbreakable will.

Judai: Unbreakable will? Could that be...

He turned at Alito, who was confused. The rock giant extended his hand to the Barian warrior.

Titan: Gladiator, it's time you learned the truth about your death. Step forward.

When his hand made contact with his, bright light blinded him. Alito found himself at a different time, seeing his past self below. He was in the arena, his hands cuffed and his head tied to a ball with chain.

Audience: Liar! Liar! Liar!

He closed his eyes, ready to meet his end. A clank was heard, promting the warrior to look up.

???: You won't die here.

Alito: ...!


???: I need your help. The Supreme King is powerful, but he's young. He needs someone to help him reach his full potential.

Alito: How can I do that?

The person showed him a pair of gauntlents that looked unusable.

???: I can restore these to their original state. I know you like to fight using your bare hands, but you cannot defeat the demon with your hands alone.

Alito: I'll make an exeption this time. For my country, I fight with everything I have.


Alito: What?!

He was shocked to see his fellow Barians alongside him in the past.

Alito: I have met them when I was alive?!

Merag: You can go back. We will take it from here.

Alito: ...

Merag: I know this hurts. It will take a while to be used without them in this world.

Alito: ...Did it have to end this way?

Merag: ...

Nasch: The least we can do is to honor their memory. We will call you if you are needed. Your people need you.

Alito: Yes.


Alito: What?!

Prince: I won't let you usurp the throne!

Alito: My friend, this is not what it-

The young prince attacked him with his sword, with the brawler blocking it.

Alito: "What happened here when I was away?"

Audience: Kill him! Traitor!

The words left him in shock, taking a fatal blow by the one he used to call friend. He fell on his knees, coughing up blood.

Alito: How... did this... happen?

Everything went dark, a shadowy figure standing behind the corpse of the famous gladiator.

???: I won't let the Astral World take you with them. You will be reincarnated in the Barian World.

Alito: That's-

Titan started to glow, the warrior turning around in shock.

Alito: What's happening?

Titan: Alito, please help this country like you did in the past. That is the wish of this land.

He became smaller, turning to light and slowly making its way to him. He cupped his hands, the light gently falling on them. It transformed into the same gauntlents that were on his memory. Then, he was back to the altar, with Judai looking worried.

Judai: Huh? Are those-

Alito: Yes. Supreme King, for the sake of the Barian World and this country, I will fight alongside you.

Judai: Awesome! But what changed your mind?

Alito: ...I was cursed. I was never supposed to be with the Barians. But he...

Judai: ...It's fine if you don't want to talk about it.

Alito: Thanks. So, what should we do?


Saiyu: Heh. So it happened.

He was shuffling his deck of cards, with many people, including Asuka and Manjome, standing behind him.

Manjome: Master Saiyu, what should we do?

Saiyu: The Light will guide us, my students. The fate of this world is set. We will rule above all.

Everyone started cheering, with the leader giving a malicious smile.

Saiyu: Manjome. Asuka. How about you pay a visit to your friends? I am sure they will be delighted to see you.

Manjome&Asuka: Understood.

The Fate That Binds The Will(Yu-Gi-Oh! AU Story)Where stories live. Discover now