Chapter 62

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Yuya: Yuzu! Gongenzaka!

He rushed to them, both passed out.

Yuya: Hey, this isn't funny! Please wake up!

???: So you finally show up.

He turned at the man, his eyes glossed over.

Yuya: Who are you? What did you do to them?

???: I am Mizael. I will be the last person you see.

The prince gritted his teeth, this person had a dangerous vibe. He glanced over to his friends with concern.

Mizael: Don't worry about them. I didn't go all out on them. Although I cannot say the same for you.

Yuya: What do you have against me?

Mizael: Oh? Are you willing to keep up the charade?

Yuya: You are talking to me as if I have done something despicable.

Mizael: It is not my responsibility to remind of what have you done. I will make you pay with your life.

Mizael prepared himself for battle once more, this time with the right target. Yuya had no choice but to accept his challenge. Maybe by dueling him, he could find out what was he after.

Yuya: "I have to stop him so he can no longer hurt anyone else. Yuzu... Gongenzaka... I will avenge you."

Yuya&Mizael: Duel!

Mizael: I will go first. Any problems?

Yuya: Not at all.

He raised his arm, some kind of energy being concentrated on the palm. The prince was taken aback, wondering what was he planning to do.

Mizael: Roar throughout the entire universe. Revive, from the source of all galaxies, that flows from far back in time! Manifest yourself, and lead me to victory! Number 107, Galaxy-Eyes Tachyon Dragon!

The monster that had taken out the others had made its appearance, letting out that terrifying roar. Chills ran down Yuya's spine.

Yuya: "This energy... Is it his partner monster? What power..."

Mizael: Getting cold feet? I am surprised, since you single-handedly took down two people in one blow. Where did that strength go?

Yuya: I don't know what you are talking about, but I haven't done anything of the sort.

Mizael: Really now? Then why did you flee from your country after the deed?

Yuya: Flee my country?

Mizael: What persistence. Fine, keep pretending. Through this duel, I will unmask you along with your actions.

Yuya: "Wait a minute. I heard from my brother that the king of XYZ kingdom was killed alongside two other people. Is this guy referring to that? Anyway, I can't think of this right now. I have to do something about that dragon."

His eyes went to the monster, his hair standing on end at the sight. It was the first time for him to feel such fear. He swallowed, trying to look confident so his opponent wouldn't detect his fear. The birthmark started glowing, reacting to the massive power of his rival.

Yuya: "I see. So you want to fight."

The prince raised his arm as well, chanting.

Yuya: Come forth, the rare dragon with differently colored eyes! Odd-Eyes Dragon!

A small, bird-like dragon appeared, stomping and roaring. Then, like his soulmate, he used Dimension Vision, spreading a pair of fingers to his eye to see Mizael's willpower so he could figure out how to counter him.

Yuya: Come forth my monsters! Peformapal Stamp Turtle, Cheer Mole!

The ones that appeared were cute, looking like performers in an entertainment show. His opponent was caught off guard.

Mizael: Is this a joke?

Yuya: Pardon?

Mizael: Are you making fun of me with those weaklings?

Yuya: My monsters are not weaklings.

Mizael: Get those away and use your real monsters.

Yuya: ...These are my real monsters.

The blonde's eyes widened in shock. He didn't trust the young boy, but there was a chance that he wasn't lying. Was it possible... that he had mistaken him for someone else? This thought was running wild on his head.

Yuya: Performapal Cheer Mole's earth ability; she can raise a monster's stats. I target Odd Eyes Dragon.

Using her pom-poms, Odd Eyes got a big boost. But he wasn't going to stop there.

Yuya: Performapal Stamp Turtle's water ability can negate the opposing Ka's ability. And I target Galaxy Eyes Tachyon Dragon!

Mizael gritted his teeth; unfortunately, his effect would activate in battle. The prince had unwillingly dodged a bullet.

Yuya: Odd Eyes Dragon attacks Tachyon Dragon!

And that was the end, or that's what he thought. That terrifying dragon was still there.

Yuya: What?!

Mizael: You think that was enough to take down Tachyon?

Yuya: What did you do?

He showed him one of the ability charms, specifically the orange one. The prince tried to say something, but nothing came out due to the shock.

Mizael: When Tachyon appeared on the battlefield, you were doomed to lose.

With the defenses raised, he used the yellow one to boost the attack power and counter Odd Eyes, tearing it apart.

Yuya: No...

He felt emotions swirl inside of him like a storm.

Yuya: "I just want..."

His head hung low, slowly looking back at his friends.

Yuya: "to see them smile..."

His vision started to blur, the world around him breaking apart and changing color. His view was replaced with a plateau above the clouds, earning a surprised gasp from the prince. Suddenly, he was brought further up, away from this strange world. A huge door was in front of him, with chains surrounding it.

Yuya: What...?

He backed away when he saw light being collected, creating a beautiful woman.

???: Welcome young boy.

Yuya: ...Who are you?

???: I am Diana, the light spirit.

Yuya: I have heard of you. Brother said you give power to people who need it.

Diana: Yes. This time, it is different.

Yuya: Different?

Diana: A different kind of power is waiting for you beyond this door. But beware, once you get hold of this power, you will lose what you value the most.

It took a while for the prince to process what he had heard. Lose what he valued the most? That was a scary thought, however...

Yuya: "If it means to protect the smiles of everyone..."

His pendant started glowing, resonating with his desire. With a firm look directed at the door, he stepped closer.

Yuya: I wish for that power.

Diana: Then open the door. Grasp that power on your hands.

He walked towards the door, the glow of the pendant becoming stronger. When he pressed his hand on the door, it opened slowly, the chains breaking. Light blinded him, but he was able to see a little; two magicians were there, as if they were waiting for him. When he focused his eyes through the light, the magicians flew to him. Then everything turned dark.

The Fate That Binds The Will(Yu-Gi-Oh! AU Story)Where stories live. Discover now