Chapter 48

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Gongenzaka was walking around the hall then took a turn to the garden. There, sitting at the base of the fountain was his best friend.

Gong: Yuya.

Yuya: Ah, Gongenzaka.

He looked cheerful, however Gong could tell the prince was hiding something. He had known him for years after all. He walked towards him, taking a seat next to Yuya.

Gong: What are your thoughts about the recent events?

His smile dissappeared from his face and was replaced by a frown.

Yuya: ...I hate it. I hate that something like that happened. Why did the XYZ kingdom had to be invaded? Why did the king had to die? I have so many questions.

Gong: I heard the former prince did it for revenge.

Yuya: I hate when people abuse with their power. They think they are superior to others just because they have more. Power should be used to protect people and their happiness.

Gong: You are right. No world can be build with sorrow; it will only fall apart.

Yuya: In that case...

He got up, his eyes sparkling in the sunlight.

Yuya: I will make people smile.

Gong: And how do you plan to do that?

He giggled and spun around in excitement.

Yuya: With entertainment.

Gong: Enter- Yuya, you are a prince! You are supposed to protect them!

He placed an arm on his hip and pouted.

Yuya: Does entertainment not count?

Gong: Yuya, I understand that you put other people's interests first, but you cannot protect them by just making them happy.

Yuya: So I have to resort to violence? Can't agree.

The prince saw the shadow of his best friend loom over him. When he looked up, he got scared, considering how big the guy was.

Gong: Yuya! You are the heir to the throne! The manly Gongenzaka won't accept negligence on your part!

Yuya: G-Gongenzaka.

Gong: Be a man and learn to fight like one!

There were times when the manly Gongenzaka would send shivers down somebody's spine and that would apply to the prince as well, like right now.

Yuya: I am not interested.

Gong: Yuya, you-

He stopped talking for a second because something caught his eye. Yuya had moved a little and a ray of light fell on a blue pendant that he had around his neck.

Gong: Did you always had that pendant?

Yuya: Hm? This?

He took it off and showed to him, the other looking at it with curiosity.

Yuya: Grandpa gave it to me as a gift. It has magical properties.

Gong: Really?

Yuya: Yep! But I only know some of its abilities, while the rest of them remain unknown to me.

A small clap was heard, making them both turn their attention to the direction of the sound.

Yuya: Jounochi-san.

Jou: His Majesty wants you to be ready for fighting lessons.

Yuya: Ah... Alright, tell him I'll be there.

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