🦅 LXIX: Hidden Boss (1)

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A/N: Late update because I have piled up requirements that needed to be submitted before the month ends and i still haven't started doing them. LMAO. And yes, this is me rn 

 And yes, this is me rn 

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⚠️ Fanservice warning ⚠️

Norrie Morgans was a very appreciative person. Often broke a few seconds just after receiving her allowance, it was hard to see that she was someone who lived frugally— though only when she only had like 5 dollars left for an entire week.

But she was even more appreciative when she's with a hot man.

Lawrence Romero glances curiously around then at her, and she only looks away as an instinctive response, not wanting to melt under that gaze.

If gods exist, she'll actually suspect Lawrence Romero to be one. But of course, gods were fuckboys and this man was not. In fact, he doesn't even have the shrewdness of a divine entity. For under the exquisite face of this man, was an innocent cinnamon roll who doesn't know how the world worships fine-looking men.

"Hey, if people ask me about you, will you be mad if I tell them who you are?" She asks sheepishly and the man looks at her, blinks before laughing.

"But why would they do that?" He asks, smiling and a little puzzled.

Uggh. Too bright.

God. Alleluia. Amen.

Norrie Morgans felt like her heart was gonna explode from all this fanservice. But she was a professional. "You know... Cause you're hot." She says frankly, trying to compose herself on the process.

The man thinks about it, and then he only beamed. "That's because I love being under the sun." he says and she sucked in her breath.

The Little and the Giant (Ushijima Wakatoshi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now