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Darla sat beside Bucky in the back of the car as she watched Steve talk with Sharon.

"Can you move your seat up?" Bucky questioned as he was struggling for leg room.

"No." Sam responded, making Darla chuckle.

"Children." Darla uttered as Bucky shuffled closer to the girl for more room. She watched as Steve talked to Sharon. The trunk of her car was open, revealing their suits.

Darla's lips parted and tears filled her eyes as she watched Steve step forward and kiss the blonde girl. She cleared her throat and rubbed her eyes, causing both Sam and Bucky to turn to the girl.

"Are you okay?" Sam questioned the blonde.

"Fine, Samuel." She lied and averted her eyes as Steve turned to look at the group.

Bucky leant down to the girl, his arm wrapping around the back of her seat and whispered,

"You love him, don't you?"

"If you don't shut up I'm going to throw you out of this car." She snapped angrily. Bucky chuckled at the girls response but stayed quiet and sat back.


Darla wrapped her arms around Wanda as she got out of the grey van. Wanda grinned and hugged the girl back as tight as possible.

"Cap." Clint nodded as he walked over to the man.

"God I missed you, Red." Darla pulled away with a smile.

"You know I wouldn't have called if I had any other choice." Steve said as he shook Clint's hand.

"Hey, man, you're doing me a favour." Clint shrugged. "Besides, I owe a debt." He looked back at Wanda, talking about Pietro and how he saved his life.

"Clint!" Darla smiled and ran over to the man, wrapping her arms around him. "How's the kids?" She questioned.

"Hey, kiddo." Clint grinned spinning the girl around. "They're fine. Lila misses you." He chuckled.

"Thanks for having my back." Steve said as he looked over to Wanda.

"It was time to get off my ass." Wanda shrugged as Darla went and stood back beside the girl.

"How about our other recruit?" Steve questioned, his eyes flickering to Darla who hadn't uttered a word to him.

"He's raring to go." Clint said as he opened the van door and revealed a man sleeping. "Got to put a little coffee in him but he should be good." The door slammed, making Scott jump up.

"What time zone is this?" Scott questioned Clint. "Captain America." Scott grinned as he shook Steve's hand.

"Mr Lang."

"It's an honour." Scott said as he continued to shake Steve's hand. "I'm shaking you're hand too long."

"Just a little bit." Darla spoke up.

"Wow, this is awesome. Captain America." He turned and faced Darla. "Crash." He then turned to face Wanda. "I know you too, you're great." Scott turned to Darla and placed his hands on her biceps. "Do it, shock me."

Darla furrowed her brows looking around at everyone. Sam nodded with an evil smirk. Darla chuckle and sent a quick shock at the man.

"Oooh." Scott shook his whole body. "Tingles." He chuckled and turned to Steve. He placed his hands on his biceps, much like he did with Darla. "Jeez. Look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so thinks for thanking of me."

"Don't you mean tha-" Darla was cut off by Clint covering her mouth.

"He's excited." Clint chuckled, moving his hand from around her mouth. "So, Wanda tells me you have a boyfriend." Darla nodded. "Where is he?"

Darla let out a heavy breath, her eyes flickering to the ground before back up at Clint.

"With Tony."

"We better get moving." Bucky spoke up.

"Got a chopper lined up." Clint nodded, lightly tapping the girls shoulder sympathetically, just as a man spoke in german over the intercoms.

"What's he saying?" Darla questioned turning to face Bucky.

"They're evacuating the airport." Bucky responded.

"Stark." Sam looked towards Steve.

"Stark?" Scott questioned alarmed.

"Suit up." Steve nodded towards the group.

Wanda pulled Darla aside after they got changed. She raised her brows waiting for Darla to say something, but the blonde just offered her a confused look.

"What's going on with you and Steve?" Wanda pushed, crossing her arms as she watched Darla check the amount of bullets in her guns.

Darla sighed, remembering him kissing Sharon. She placed her guns in the waist band of her trousers and looked up to Wanda.

"Nothing." She shrugged, wanting the conversation to end.

"Darla, you can tell me." Wanda placed her hand on Darla's shoulder.

"He kissed Sharon, Red. I was sat in the car watching the whole thing." Darla groaned, running her hand over her face. "And I know that I'm with Mateo and it's wrong to be jealous but-"

"You feel like you could destroy a whole town." Wanda cut off making Darla chuckle.

"I feel like I'm gonna blow soon and nobody's going to be able to bring me back." Darla whispered fearfully. "I'm terrified of having another outburst."

"Don't be, I'll always have your back." Wanda smiled, opening her arms for the girl. Darla chuckled and tightly hugged Wanda.

Darla was always there for Wanda when she needed her most, so it was time for the red head to repay the favour.

"We'll bring you back if you have an outburst. I'll make sure of it." Wanda whispered, making Darla hug her tighter.

Darla depended on Wanda more than she knew. She felt like the girl knew every little secret about her. No matter what, Darla knew she could always turn to Wanda for help.

That's why she was on this side. To help Wanda. Not for Steve.

Although, she was still trying to convince herself of that.

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