Your leg gets injured

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He told you to get on his back. When you tried to deny, he told you the safe room is only a few feet away so he can handle it so hurry. So he carried you on his back to the safe room. Once inside, he let you down safely before helping the others barricade the door. Once barricaded, he took some pain killers and a first aid kit before handing it to you. He pat his pockets before feeling a candy bar so he pulled it out and held it to you, telling you to eat it to get your energy back and feel better.


She cursed, asking if you can still walk. You cringed and said you can but it hurts. She was quick to wrap her arm around your waist to help you walk, yelling at Ellis to come closer so he can help keep you safe by killing any approaching zombies. Once inside a safe room, she was quick to snatch a first aid kit and take good care of it, muttering you all better rest until you can walk on it better.


He freaked out, asking if your leg is okay. When you said it hurts too much, he was quick to ask if he has to carry you, hurriedly putting his gun away so he can pick you up bridal style. You reminded him he needs his hands to kill any approaching zombies so he cursed and pulled his pistol back out. So instead he wrapped his arm around your waist, saying he can only help you this way then. He helped you limb in a hurry to a safe room, where he carefully but quickly put you down then hurried to the door to slam it shut once everyone was inside.


He wrapped his arm around you to help you walk. He told you to be careful while shooting any approaching zombies. He cursed, saying this is annoying and exhausting. You apologized, but he mumbled it ain't your fault so no need to apologize. When he spot Rochelle enter the safe room, he yelled for her to get a first aid kit ready for you. Once inside, he quickly took the tools out the first aid kit he needs before crouching to treat your leg.

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