Chapter 80

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Melissa's POV. Today me and the pack wanted to go do something so we thought why not go to the fair! We all went to go eat t Taco Bell before we went. "Im so fucking hungry!" I groaned out as we walked in. "Melissa when the guck aren't you hungry ?" Sammy scoffed at me. We all baited out laughing. I took Lissa's Phone from her when she went to the restroom. I went onto her vine account and started a vine. "WISHING MY WALET WAS AS FAT AS MY THIGHS AYEEEEE!" I yelled and the vine ended. We all laughed and she still haven't came back yet. Damn that girl really had to pee bad didn't she? Anyways I posted it with the caption. "You got hacked hoe but don't delete this!😂💞". It got vines and revines instantly. There was a lot of comments to. I saw her coming back and I put her phone back where it was quickly and everyone acted normal. When she sat down she checked her phone. I forgot I put the speaker all the way up and didn't close the vine app. All you could hear was "WISHING MY WALET WAS AS FAT AS MY THIGH AYEEEEE!" Everyone looked at her weird. She quickly shut her phone off and gave me the death glare. We all baited out laughing our asses off. "What the hell mels!" She groaned and rested her head on Aaron's shoulder. "Hey you have to admit it was pretty funny!" I said while drinking my bahja blast. She chuckled and nodded her head in agreement. We all three our food away and I sat on Shawn's lap and rested my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waist while he was still talking to JJ. "Can we just skip the fair I'm actually really tired for some reason." I said yawning. Everyone else nodded in agreement. We all got in the van and drove back home. I was still resting in Shawn's lap and I feel asleep a little bit I can still hear things. I felt us pull into the drive way and I felt someone pick me up. I think it's Shawn probably is but oh well. I heard footsteps going up the stairs. Im guessing we're going to bed. He laid me down and took off my pants and shirt and he put on one of his shirt that are baggy on me and his basketball short which are way to big for me but are comfortable. I laid back down and started to fall back asleep. "Goodnight princess I love you so much baby." Shawn said kissing my forehead and cuddles into me. I cuddled back with him "Goodnight prince I love you so much to." I said and resting my head in his stone hard but tanned and soft chest. I closed my eyes and started to feel my eyelids starting to get heavier and heavier until my eyes closed and I let the darkness once again take over my whole body.

A/n. Hello my bra little muffins!💎 I know a bit of a short chapter:(. But thank you guys for 17.2K reads and the 514 votes😩💕! Well goodnight my beautiful little muffins And Please Stay Strong My Queens!👑💎😌~K

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