You gonna hate this fucking storm..

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Alright so it was about 7:44 pm and I was about to start writing when it started thundering really fucking hard I didn't notice cause I was blasting drakes new album. So my brother comes in and says "You alright?" He sounded all concern and shit. I put in my headphones and my fave turned when I heard the lightening and raindrops. (I am fucking terrified of lightening I've always been and I was texting my fanboy best friend too). So I got up from my bead and when I sat down all the power in my whole city turned off I had no wifi I was scared as hell. And then mother fucking nature thought that wasn't enough so it started hailing so fucking hard it almost broke my back door. (my back foot has windows in it). And I'm writing that at fucking 4:47 am cause my wifi and power just turned on .. I'm sorry guys I'll update today i promise it's just that I didn't know a storm was coming and it went on for 7:44 to 4:47 .. Well goodnight or good morning where ever you are And Please Stay Strong My Queens👑✌🏼️☔️~K

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