Chapter 51

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Melissa's POV. Today we where getting ready for Matthews new video he's making with all the boys its a Q/A. we got ready and Matt hit record. "Hey guys it's Matthew Espinosa and I'm here with these idiots." Matt said pointing to me and everyone else. "Hey you bitch I thought I was your best friend." I said fake crying into Shawn's chest. Matt glared at me and I gave him an sweet innocent smile. "Anyways where doing a Q/A so first question. Would you rather eat a bucket of my poop or a bucket of my vomit?" Cameron read from him phone. "PASS HOE!" I yelled and they all busted out laughing. 7 minutes The boys where smack camming each other I was hiding with matts camera "Im doing this for you guys you guys owe me!" I said laughing. "Hey guys lets team up and get Melissa!" Shawn said. "Oh hell no I'm hiding for these bitches." I said getting under the bed with the camera. "Where the fuck did she go?" Matt asked. "Honestly I don't know." Cameron said looking around. "I swear if I die you guys better be at my funeral!" I whispered into the camera. "Lets go cheek the other room." Nash said I heard some yeahs and ok's. Then I heard the door slam. "Ok I'm going on top of the roof and I'm gonna tell y'all embarrassing stories about the boys I said. I looked around and ran to the evaluator and hit the roof button. "Ok so when Nash was little he went to the beach with hayes and kept on eating sand." I aid laughing a bit. "When Matt went to church when he was like 4 he peed his pants cause he was nervous to ask to go to the restroom." I busted out laughing. "Ok when Shawn was little he was playing with a hockey stick and on accident he hit his balls and cried for 1 hour." I said laughing. "When Taylor was little he went though his parents- I was cute of by the sound of the doors opening "Ok we are on the roof while I'm hiding for the boys. anyways Taylor was going though his parents stuff and found a condom and thought it was a ballon." I said laughing so hard. "Well that's all I have Matt will see you guys another time but I have to go give his camera. So I'm signing off so Stay Strong My beautiful little Muffins bye!" I blowing and covering the camera with my heads hit the button so stop recording. I grabbed the camera and snuck into my room and uploaded the video and instantly got likes and views. I read the comment. "Melissa is Queen Af!" I read the comment and smiled I kept reading and it was nothing but positive about me and the boys. I love our fans. I put Matts camera back and found the boys passed out in one room. "Boys." I mumble to myself and went back to my room took a shower and set my things for Magcon tomorrow. I took a shower and got dressed and let darkness take over my body.

A/n. Hello my beautiful little muffins☀️! Ok so some jerk called me a bitch I said thank you and he said why would take that as a compliment I said cause a bitch is a female dog and a female dog barks. Bark is what trees are made out of. Trees are part of nature and nature is beautiful. So therefore you called me beautiful . I said and people yelled DAYUMM and SLAYYY!😂😂😂👋 And omg I was looking for a book to read and saw this!😭😭. Thank you guys so much for 7.37K!👋🍑😈! I love you Guys😍. Im gonna go take a shower Stay Strong My Queens!👑😏💖~K

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