Dina (TLOU2) Imagines

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Requested by RyanDub50

'Simply Put'

Dina grabbed your hand, causing your face to blush a deep red. "I like you too y'know," she said without bothering to look at you and see your reaction.

You smiled, feeling your face light up even more. "Did Jesse tell you?"

"No." She said simply. "You're just really good at flirting."

'Surprise Picnic'

You and Dina were wandering through the forest, surrounded by trees after Dina dragged you along claiming she had a 'special surprise'. She had taken to walking just ahead of you, leading the way. "C'mon." she ushered, gesturing for you to catch up. You picked up the pace, wondering what had her so eager as she reached out a grabbed a punch of pine branches that covered some sort of entrance.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" you asked meeting her. "I wish you'd tell me what you've got us doing out...here...." your voice trailed off as she moved the branches, revealing a beautiful oasis. "Dina?" you said quietly as you stepped forward taking in the sight.

It was amazing. A deep blue lake surrounded by pines and large boulders. "Surprise," she said with a smile, pulling out a picnic basket and blanket.

'Saved your life'

You stepped slowly, trying not to trigger one of the many tripwires that littered the yard. They were hard to see because of the tall grass. You were so focused on the wires in the grass that you'd forgot about any strung up in the air. "Babe!" Dina said suddenly grabbing you by the shoulder, stopping you from going further.

To be honest, she scared you a bit, but she also saved your life. "Huh?" you said and slowly looked up to see three wires, all crisscrossed and tied between two trees. "Holy shit," you said. "Thanks."

"Of course," she said with a smile. "Now. How the hell are we getting out of here?"

RyanDub50 I hope this is okay. Please let me know if you meant something different when you said 'Dina Imagines' and I will be more than happy to change it. (if it isn't already obvious I've never written an 'Imagine' before)

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