Alexanders - Ch 7

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We rode in a straight line.

Charles took lead while Sadie was in the back, forcing Chase to ride in front of her while I went behind Charles. It was some tactic of hers, to make Chase look at me, not allowing her to ignore my existence.

I could feel her eyes on me as I paid attention to nothing but Joel and the road.

He seemed to hold his own, Joel did. While his appearance came off as frail, he kept up and then some.

I had to motion for him to slow down  a couple of times for fear of running up on Charles. Other than that he was good.


When we stopped for the night we were south east of Owanjila Dam, camping along side part of the river trailing down.

The fresh water was a nice change of pace, allowing the horses to get a proper rest, offering water for cooking, and fresh fish which Sadie ordered me and Chase to go catch.

"But-" Chase tried to protest, fishing rod in hand. She was prepared to go alone and leave camp for a while.

"I don't want to hear it. You and her go. Now."

I was indifferent to the whole situation. Sure, Chase not wanting to go with me hurt a little bit but what's life without pain, right? I brushed it aside. "C'mon," I borrowed Sadie's rod. "I heard there's some Smallmouth 'round the dam."

And after a stern look from Sadie, Chase huffed and started walking with a grumble.


Chase always seemed to be a step ahead of me, literally in this situation.

I found myself putting a pep in my step to keep up. "Chase," I said, slightly frustrated at her sour attitude towards me. "Chase!"

"What?" she snapped back.

"Well- Could you slow down, christ. And maybe calm down too."

She did no such thing, I was sure she rolled her eyes at me though I could not see.


"Why?" she scoffed, "I don't even know why you're here. Why don't you go rob a train or some shit?"

That hurt. My heart dropped in my chest.

Is that really all she thought of me? A thief? Even though it's only been a couple of days, I'm trying, can't she see that?

I stopped walking.

When the sound of my footsteps stopped she turned around but I didn't meet her eyes, mine welling with tears. "Fuck you."


"No. Seriously, fuck you Chase. I thought we were fine the other day, when you were apparently pretending to be my 'best-buddy' while we rode together. Now suddenly you're just being an asshole."

"I didn't mean to-"

"What did I do wrong?" I finally looked up at her and she had the audacity to look hurt. "I don't understand why you're being like this. I know we can't just act like the past didn't happen I want to try and- and fix us! So please, just tell me, what did I do wrong this time?"

She was silent.

Fucking silent.

I shook my head in despair. "Check the grass and common bulrush for crickets. Smallmouth love those."

Then I turned and headed back to camp, leaving her. Alone.

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