Sarah × Ms. A - Part 4

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Sarah woke up. The sun blinding her and a headache making her wince in pain. It felt as if someone had hit her in the head with a hammer. She groaned and lay back down. 

Hours later she awoke to Ms. A shaking her shoulder lightly. She was still naked but the headache was less prominent now.

"I brought you some tea." Ms. A said and helped Sarah sit up and drink. She was nervous to tell Sarah about what had happened last night. She took a deep breath and sat next to Sarah on the bed. "We forgot to use a condom last night..."

Sarah paused and looked at Ms. A. She slowly started to register what Ms. A had said. "What do you mean forgot..? Did you...inside me..?" she said wide-eyed. Ms. A just looked down and nodded her head. At that moment all Sarah wanted to do was close her eyes and go back to sleep.

For the next two weeks, all Sarah did was stay in bed all day. The idea of pregnancy consuming her mind. It was all she thought about. She had decided that if she was pregnant after all she wanted to keep it. She did love Ms. A and wouldn't mind starting a family with her at all. It was just...unexpected.

Ms. A mostly stayed in the living room mindlessly watching random shows. She was convinced that Sarah hated her. She hadn't spoken to her in weeks. It was like they both owned and lived on separate sides of the house. She hadn't even thought about being a mom. Before she met Sarah she was a virgin always too shy to approach girls and definitely too afraid to tell them about her condition. She was so happy when Sarah accepted her. A faint "Chase..." took her out of her thoughts.

Sarah called out, tears streaming down her face, dripping down her chin. She curled up in a ball. Ms. A walked in with a concerned look on her face. "Oh baby.." she said and reached out lightly brushing her hand against Sarah's face. "I took the test," Sarah said and sat up, wrapping her arms around Ms. A's neck and sobbed against her. "I'm pregnant," she whispered. Ms. A barely caught it. She smiled and held Sarah tighter.

"It's ok." Ms. A murmured and lay Sarah back down. "I'm happy...I'm happy I'm with you. I want to start a family with you." Ms. A said.

Sarah felt relieved. She smiled and laughed. "I overreacted, I'm sorry. I was sure you would hate me and push me away...I-I love you," she said.

"I love you too." Ms. A said and leaned in close. Their lips barely touching. "Your so pretty..."

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