Fragile: Death Stranding #1

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"Sam Porter Bridges. The man who delivers."

Fragile walked to the back of the cave and picked up her bag that she had abandoned while waiting for the rain to pass. Moving to  the edge of the cave, she watched as the Timefall slowed to a stop. A cryptobiote floated in the air in front of her, quickly, she grabbed the animal before if flew away. She'd come to crave the life-giving creatures.

"You want it?" She said offering it to Sam who was hunched over his pack. He just grunted. She smiled and looked closer at the small thing wiggling between her fingers.

"A cryptobiote a day keeps the Timefall away." She then ate it. Savoring the taste. After she finished she turned to Sam.

"Wanna come work for me?"

"I thought Fragile Express had plenty of people," he grumbled

"Plenty of traitors," she whispered. Unwanted memories came rushing back. "Not much left of us now, save for a few honest folks, And on top of that..." She took off one of her gloves, holding her hand to the sunlight. The skin had clearly been a victim of Timefall. "Not much left of me now, I got soaked from neck to toe." She sighed and put the glove back on.

"I can't help you with that. I make deliveries, that's all," Sam stood up, his suit on with packages secured on his back. Suddenly a muffled voice rang out.

"This is bridges central dispatch..."

Sam walked further into the cave while fiddling with his radio.

Fragile picked up her 'umbrella' and stepped just outside of the cave. "Heading into town?" She said and turned back around to face Sam. "Watch yourself, those things never stay gone for long," she put her umbrella away and watched as Sam bent over and picked up a faded photograph. "The Timefall fast-forwards whatever it touches. But it cant wash everything away," she walked past him and sighed. "The past just won't let go..."

She stopped but not before glancing at him one last time "I'll see you around Sam Porter Bridges," and just like that she jumped.


When she opened her eyes she was in the distribution center. Surrounded by moving machines and packages. Her face was still wet with tears from The BT encounter.

She made her way to her room and as she walked down the hallway she took note of the quietness, in fact, it was too quiet. That's when black fluid started pooling at her feet. The narrow hallway became a vast shallow sea. Panicking she tried to move but was stuck. "Higgs..." she whispered and he appeared right in front of her.

"Hello Darling, did ya miss me?" He said

She scowled and tried to grab him but she should have known better because she fell face-first into the black tar.

"Fragile, Fragile, Fragile, when will you learn?" He pulled her back up while letting black ropes tie her down. She kneeled before him, struggling to fight against the constraints. He laughed and took off his mask. "Why don't you just jump to your beach- oh wait! You cant!" He howled with laughter.

All Fragile could do was watch. No matter how hard she tried she couldn't jump.

"Why are you here?" She said.

"Well, I'm back in town, and seeing as we worked together...I figured you should be the first to know."

"Why," she repeated the ropes got tighter around her.

"What's the matter? Am I...bringing back bad memories?" He raised a hand and a younger version of herself appeared. She was in the same position, on her knees with tears on her face. In front of her sat the thing that changed her life. The bomb.

"I bet you regret that decision every day of your life," Higgs whispered coming closer to her. He stuck out his tongue and licked the side of her face.

She grimaced.

"Still the same...." he said and pulled away. "Anyway, enough reminiscing I just came to say that I'm don't worry! It won't be long now till it's all over..." with a snap of his fingers the ropes disappeared. Realizing she was free she attempted to grab Higgs but missed again this time falling right through the tar and ending up in her room. She laid on the floor her face covered in dark smudges.

It took her a minute to realize what had happened. She let him get away...again. "Fuck!!" She cursed.

"I will find and I will kill him," she stood and went to search for Higgs, the man who scarred her.

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