Elsa's Problem - 1

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Elsa took a piece from the toilet paper roll and carefully swiped it across the head of her....penis. She was still very uncomfortable referring to it in any manner. Not that she talked about it or anything, anyways, she was currently dealing with another 'problem'. It stood erect. Again. That was what? The fourth time today? Elsa found that each time this happened it was becoming harder and harder to deal with (no pun intended).

"Elsa?" her sister called from the other side of the bathroom door.

"I uh I- Just a minute!" Elsa scrambled to hide her affliction that had been triggered during a very...spicy scene in the movie she and her sister had been watching.

She tossed the now-damp piece of toilet paper into the toilet and flushed. She tried to push her...thing down and hide it with her dress but just touching it caused a bolt of pleasure to strike through her.

It quickly popped back up, creating a tent in her clothing. She'd have to cover herself with her hands, she could not let Anna see this.

She inhaled sharply feeling the hot skin against her stomach. It should go away soon...hopefully.

She had some of that clear gooey stuff from it on her hands so she quickly washed them and went to open the door.

"Hey," she said breathing heavily, looking straight at her sister who stood in the doorway.

"It's happening again, isn't it?" Anna said.

"No!" Elsa said a little too quickly and rushed past Anna, feeling her face burn from the lie.

"I wish you'd talk to Kristoff about it, y'know, seeing as you both have-"

"Anna! I'm not telling him about it- as a matter of fact, I shouldn't even be telling you about it!" She quickly sat down where she was before this time grabbing a pillow and covering her groin.

"Elsa I'm worried about you and I just want you to-"


"Okay, okay...I just...talk to Grand Pabbie? Seeing as he's the one who gave you...it."

Elsa sighed. "Okay," she said quietly.


The next day Elsa walked through the grove of trees and was immediately met by tons of little rock trolls.

"Elsa! Oh, Elsas here!" they shouted and rolled over each other.

She chuckled at their clumsiness, watching them clamber over one another to get a better look at her. "Hello, little ones," she said walking with them. "Is Grand Pabbie in today?" A couple of the adult-like rocks came over, not as energetic as the kids but still excited to see Elsa.

"Yes," a bunch of them said, mostly the kids.

"Yes my child," an older one said, a woman. "Is something the matter? Have you or Anna fallen ill?"

"Well yes- no, no, not-not like that. I just wanted to speak with him is all."

The trolls looked relieved, glad that the royals were fine. "Right this way my child," the same troll said and everyone rolled out of the way so that Elsa could go through.

They walked through a grove of trees to an area under the shade of a large willow tree. "Grand Pabbie- Elsa's here," the troll called out. From behind the large tree came the grand troll, rolling around even in his old age.

"Ah, Elsa!" he said, seeming to be just as excited as the young trolls were, "How are you, my child?"

"Oh, I'm well, Grand Pabbie," Elsa said reaching out and shaking his stone hand. The other troll left them to talk.

"Sit, sit," he insisted, gesturing to two wooden stumps, used as chairs. "How have you been?"

"I'm...well," Elsa said.

"Are you sure? Something is bothering you, I can tell."

"Well..." Elsa mumbled, "It's uh-" She struggled to say the words. "It has to do with uh...my um....the thing that you...did...I..." She felt her face burn and was suddenly wishing she was back at the castle.

Grand Pabbie chuckled at her awkwardness. "It's okay my child, relax."

Elsa exhaled slowly, thankful that she didn't have to keep talking.

"Elsa," said Grand Pabbie. "Your parents, they were always worried for you, not because of your powers but because of something else. Do you know why that was?"

Elsa sighed. "Because I like girls," she said.

"Yes," Grand Pabbie paused and pursed his lips, thinking. "Your parents always loved you and they meant well it's just...they were worried you wouldn't have any heirs."

"So they asked you to give me-" Elsa blurted.

"Heaven's no," Grand Pabbie said quickly. "I took it upon myself to endow you with- well..." He gestured to Elsa's groin, cleared his throat, and looked away.

Elsa followed his eyes down to see her 'buddy' standing at attention again, forming a rather large tent in her dress. "Oh my god," she said, her face burning. She immediately put her hands over it, trying to push it down and make it less known. Words could not explain how embarrassed she was. "I'm sorry- I'm so sorry- I can't-'' she quickly apologized wanting nothing more than to disappear.

"It's alright," Grand Pabbie said simply. "It's natural and to be expected."

Despite his reassurance, Elsa still felt sick with embarrassment.

"I forgot to tell you, it will keep doing that regularly until you find someone to mate with."

Elsa groaned in frustration. "I have to find a mate?" She clarified. "I don't understand, why not Anna and Kristof seeing as they'd be the perfect candidates."

"Anna's not queen and besides she's not the one with ice powers."

"But my powers aren't inheritable...right?" Elsa hadn't really thought about it but she figured she couldn't pass down her magic.

"I see why you'd think that. Seeing as your parents and their parents before them were free of the ice magic, but you Elsa. You're special. Plus the lineage has to continue."

"So my...kids-" she said that last word slowly, obviously still wrapping her head around having children. "-will have the same powers and then their children and then their children...."

"Correct." Grand Pabbie confirmed.

Elsa sighed and shifted her hands a bit, feeling that her erection had gone down a bit.

"I'm guessing you haven't found someone," Grand Pabbie stated.

"No, not really."

"Not really?"

"Well..." Truth is, Elsa had her eye on one of the maids at the castle. Y/n. She mostly helped with whatever needed doing and Elsa ran into her frequently in the castle. She was always so polite with her 'Milady''s and little curtseys. Not to mention how flustered she got whenever Elsa spoke to her. She loved how confident she felt around Y/n. She told all of this to Grand Pabbie, catching herself rambling about the maid.

"I think you've found 'her'."

"You think so?"

"Elsa, I know so. You must go to her at once- Of course, don't be so...forward." He cleared his throat and motioned to her groin again.

"Goddammit," she cursed and blushed, having gotten excited again over talking about Y/n. She did not know how she'd go about speaking to the woman without having to keep her hands over herself.

Grand Pabbie seemed to read her mind. "Try trousers. You can...tuck 'it' into the waistline and hide it easier."

Elsa nodded thankfully for the tip. "I should go then. Thank you, Grand Pabbie, for everything."

The old rock gave her a kind smile as if he was just glad he could help. "You're welcome, my child."

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