Held It In (Alcina D.)

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!WARNING! - Piss Kink

A/n - I'm so confused with myself, please don't judge me too hard. I was just curious and apologize if I get any aspects of this fetish wrong.

You had been holding it all day under your own free will.

It was fine at first, you were able to ignore the urge.

Halfway through the day, you had to find something to distract you from the signals telling you to go.

And by the last hours, you were laying on the floor in your Lady's chambers, squirming in both pain and pleasure.

The cramps were horrible and you resolved to try to keep as much pressure as you could off of your bladder. Only laying on your back and breathing shallowly helped.

Whimpers escaped you occasionally and she saw your distress, heard it. She asked you if you wanted to stop, offering for you to go to the bathroom if you felt as if you couldn't handle it but for some reason, you said no and kept going. You kept holding it.


"Little dove?" she said as she walked into the room after dinner, which you skipped in favor of your own challenge.

You couldn't even make a sound of assurance in favor of keeping your current breathing rhythm. 4 seconds in 4 seconds out. Counting the moments in your head. Your eyes were closed in concentration but your ears were still open.

"Oh darling..." she cooed walking over to your sprawled out body, reaching out and lightly prodding your side with her finger.

Just the simple action made you squeak, and your eyes snapped open from the pressure. Suddenly the action of clenching your muscles became much harder. This she noticed.

"Sorry, sorry..." she murmured and sighed, admiring the sight of your squirming body for a second before she took pity on you and whispered something that should have made you feel better. "It's okay if you go now. The days practically done now, darling." Her hand came and stroked your hair, petting you. "C'mon dove."

She was very, very careful in picking you up, taking at least a minute to slowly slide her hand under your sensitive body. Her other hand offered extra support to your head. You didn't have it in you to protest.

She held you with care as she moved to the large chair on the other side of the room, close to the fire. Cautiously, she placed you so that you were straddling one of her thighs.

The feel of her cool lips brushing your ear made you listen carefully. "I don't think you should do this again..." she whispered.

It wasn't a challenge or a threat, just an observation.

"W-why?" you croaked. It was your idea to hold your pee for an entire day, part of some odd fetish you had and earlier she seemed so...willing to agree.

"You're in a near-catatonic state, darling. You're shaking, and I know it hurts..."

You blushed as much as you could since all your blood was stuck in your most private parts just as it had been nearly all day.

"You must go." Her hand rubbed your quivering thigh sympathetically.

"I don't think...I can make it...to the bathroom..." You faintly felt some sort of worry, that what you really wanted to do now was too far for her.

"I'll carry-"

"No!" Your words held only a little bite but it was enough. A quivering breath had you relax just a tiny bit, another one would have you pee, soaking you and her, which was what you really wanted. "No. This is part of it, this is..." You shifted and she quickly placed a hand upon your lower back, supporting you.

"My Lady..." your shaky voice said, every second today, every cup of water had led to this moment. You were so close to both pissing and coming, but you wanted to know that she was okay with this final step. "Can I go here...and now?"

She looked down at you tilting her head to the side. You didn't really explain the reason behind this to her this morning so her confusion was understandable. "Darling? I can get you to the toilet if you want to, you do understand that, right?"

"Yes, I know. I-" Another cramp. You tried to grin and bear it but there was no doubt that she saw right through you. "...I have to do it here. It's part of the thing. Just this once?"

Through the sudden pain, you were so aroused and silently hoped that she was too although you doubted it.

"Here? In my lap?"

"Yes," you grunted, you could only hold it for a minute longer so she has to either rush you to the bathroom or-

"Okay," she whispered before clearing her throat and repeating herself. "Okay. On the floor though, let me..." She held you delicately as she stood and moved a few feet away from the chair and any rugs that might be in place, grunting as she settled on the hard floor. It was all a precaution so that the pee wouldn't accidentally soak anything.

"Thank you, M'Lady," you said quietly as she sat, legs out, unable to sit crisscrossed due to her dress but it was okay. You liked sitting on her thigh.

"Shh..." she cooed and rubbed your stomach softly, quickly helping you relax, and as she spoke you finally let go. "You can do it..."

A sigh escaped you and you closed your eyes in pure bliss as you felt the warmth spread down your own legs, sticking your pants to your skin. It soon soaked into her dress and unbeknownst to you, she found the warmness odd but favorable. She quickly made a mental note to suggest doing this again but in a more safer manner.

It seemed as if you were storing a gallon when in reality it couldn't have been more than 2 cups. "F-fuck..." you whispered, reaching out to hold onto her arm as you kept going, the pressure lessening in your abdomen. "N-nearly done..."

Nearly a minute or two later you let go of the last bit and slowly opened your eyes to find her smiling down at you, making you blush. Then your favorite part played in, you felt the strong arousal come after the bladder relief. The knowledge that you just wet you and your Lady made you feel so...so....hot. Slowly, you started grinding on Alcina's leg, already so close.

"There you go..." she said lowly and helped guide your hips back and forth, leaning down and kissing you, whispering praises that pushed you over the edge. A low growl sounded through her as you whimpered and clutched to her, jerking every so often, riding it out.

Once you finally calmed down she sighed with a smile. "That was...enjoyable. I think I see the appeal."


"Sort of. Maybe." Her gaze met yours again. "I'm just glad you enjoyed yourself, right?"

"Yes of course M'Lady. We- I don't mean to force you into this-"

She placed a single finger on your lips. "Oh hush now. I feel honored that you trusted me enough to share."

You smiled shyly, heating up again.

"Let's just do this in the tub next time, yes? It'll be easier to clean up."

"Next time..." you echoed, already aching for more.

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