Telling Her (Abby A.)

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"Did you kill him?"

Abby was silent and still.

The first person who she had spoken openly too about what went down in Jackson all those years ago, and her lover was now listening intently with her own questions.

It's been 4 years.

Since then she's lost people but also gained some. She lost her home but then got a new one.

She also seemed to gain a new look on things. No longer did she hold grudges or killed without meaning. She cherished her moments with Lev and Y/n, her family.

Something she never wanted to lose.

"Yeah," Abby whispered. She felt Y/n stop braiding her hair but the words kept coming. "I was angry for a long time. I trained and...tracked him."

Y/n's hands let go of her hair and she felt them on her shoulders.

"I never thought about it before, how I'd feel. I guess I was just expecting some sort of pride but...but I felt even worse. I felt sick."

Her lover exhaled softly but still listened.

"He had a girl, the reason for all of that, she came to Seattle and tore through everyone I knew to find me."

"Did you kill her?" Y/n asked softly, slight hesitation.

"No." Abby sighed. "We- we fought but she...she let me walk away. And I know why."

Now Y/n's hands found her hair again, continuing her signature braid. She spoke. "I understand. You killed the man because he hurt you and you wanted to make him feel the same. You thought that it'd bring you peace didn't. The girl went after you feeling the same way."

She finished the braid and kissed Abby's cheek. "You're okay now. Me and Lev will be okay, we have you, we all have each other." She hugged Abby from behind, arms surrounding her muscle-thick frame. "I love you Abigail Anderson."

Abby smiled and lightly touch Y/n's arms with calloused hands.

For the first time in awhile she truly felt calm. How could she not?

She had Y/n with her.

"I love you too."

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