The insane and lovely (Trevor Philips)

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Keys jingle outside of the trailer door as you click through the sparse TV channels. The light whir of a fan along with the noise from the television also holding your attention, albeit, a little less than the sight of your boyfriend walking through the door.

"Hey," he said in that gruff voice of his. The smell of sweat was still fresh on him along with the sight of...blood splattered on his shirt and brown jacket.

He held a 6 pack of pißwasser and a bag from 24-7.

"Babe..." You negated the bloody clothing, instead checking him for wounds from your spot on the couch. It was imperative that he was okay, for your sake and the baby's.

Yes, you were pregnant.

3 months along and already showing the smallest baby bump. You remembered telling Trevor about it and being relieved by his ecstatic reaction.

The usually angry and traumatized man was suddenly very supportive and, even if he didn't notice, very protective, tending to your every need. Just as he had been since the start of your relationship.

Now he set the pack in the small fridge and brought the bag over to you, kissing your cheek.

"I got some üder milkén's for ya."

"Trevor," you said, taking the treat. "You were careful, right? Please tell me you were careful."

"Of course I was. Aren't I always?"

You sighed, still...irked by his recklessness. "I just...don't know..."

"Don't know?" he murmured, trying to cozy up to you, hand finding your stomach, cradling it affectionately.

"You're a future father..."

"So I see..."

"Trev, I'm serious!" You squirmed away a bit, well, as much as you could on the cramped couch. "When will you leave the- the life?"

Trevor might've just chalked it up to mood swings, but you were seriously concerned. Too many times has he come home after scraping with death and nearly losing.

"I told you, baby," he said softly, well, as softly as he could. "When we do the big score, the big one." His hands found yours slowly bringing them up to his heart. "Then I promise you, I will leave it all behind."

This was the Trevor you knew. Not the ruthless killer and drug dealer. Not the hard-core user and bank robber.

This was the Trevor who brought home snacks and let you cuddle up to him, who knew and delivered on exactly what you needed.

"You promise?' you whispered, looking into his dark brown eyes. He smiled softly, moving close again.


A moment was taken before you leaned in even closer, lips meeting. His stubble scratching your chin a bit, something you found oddly comforting in a way. His slightly musky smell something that you inhaled deeply, strangely drawn in by it.

You wanted to groan his name but he kissed you deeper instead. His hand found your thigh and gave it a squeeze before moving up a bit, holding your stomach with such a fondness. "You're really pretty, baby," he murmured, kissing you briefly again before moving to get you two into missionary position, still fully clothed. "I mean, when I first saw ya, you were gorgeous. But now? Pregnant with my kid?"

You felt your face heat up at the compliments and the sudden press of his clothed erection that you could feel, even through his jeans and your clothes.

"Trevor..." you groaned softly, the need to have him growing within you, arousal strong especially because of your hormones.

"I know baby doll..." His hands worked quickly to unbuckle his pants pulling them down just enough so that he could get his cock out, the edge of his underwear pulled under his balls, just out of the way. "Now you..." His hands pulled down your sweatpants, quickly taking them off entirely along with your underwear.

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