Elsa's Problem - 2

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Elsa, thankfully, made it back to the castle without another incident, though she didn't know how she'd explain to Kristoff and Anna, her dodging their questions and greetings in favor of getting to her room. There, she was able to change into simpler clothing. The sweatpants and t-shirt she chose were comfortable and appropriate enough for a queen to wear.

She stood and looked at herself in the mirror, oddly self-conscious of her body. Ever since she had gotten that...thing...she felt as if everyone could see it when in fact, it was just her being paranoid.

She had yet to measure it and find out its true length but when she was calm and it wasn't 'awake' it seemed to be 3-4 inches. She figured that was good, after all, the books she had read when she first got it said that, that was the normal size.

But when she thought of Y/n or saw any sort of remotely sexual material it got hard and reached what she figured to be 5-6 inches, seemingly growing. Like right now.

She stood and looked at herself, simply thinking of where Y/n might be, and she started to get an erection. This time she watched it slowly make a bulge in her pants. "Christ," she said and turned to the side, seeing how it'd look from that perspective. It was still slightly visible.

So, she took Grand Pabbies advice and carefully reached into her underwear, lightly grabbing the hard, hot, member, adjusting it so that it was parallel to her stomach. She gently placed the waistband of her underwear and pants back over it. Now, it couldn't be seen.

When she was finally satisfied with the way she looked, Elsa made her way out of her room, her nerves going crazy as she walked down the hallway.

To anyone else, it was quiet and peaceful in the castle, but to Elsa, all she could hear was the sound of her heartbeat throbbing in her ears, pumping extra hard to make sure ALL parts of her had enough blood.

This feeling did not go away, in fact, it increased significantly when she turned a corner and saw  Y/n.

Elsa immediately stopped and hid back around the wall, hoping to god Y/n had not seen her. She grasped the cool surface behind her, trying to steady her breath and get a hold of herself. Where had all of her self-control gone? Why did she feel as if she could pounce on the young girl?

Elsa carefully peeked around the corner, the girl seemed to have not seen her yet as she dutifully dusted the large painting hanging up on the wall. She was struggling to reach the very top of the picture, being just a few inches too short.

She found this to be slightly endearing and cute as Y/n huffed in frustration. This was the perfect time to swoop in and be a hero, so Elsa did just that. She finally rounded the corner and walked up to Y/n.

"Let me help," she said softly, not meaning to startle the girl but it was no use. The woman almost dropped the duster, shaken, clearly not expecting Elsa's presence.

"Milady!" she said frantically, immediately bowing, trying to show respect.

It was cute but Elsa felt off about it. She didn't much like the woman who would hopefully bear her children calling her milady as if she was above her. "Please, call me Elsa," she said with a smile, gently taking the duster from a wide-eyed, blushing Y/n.

"E-Elsa..." the flustered woman said softly. As if she was saying her name for the first time.

Elsa nodded thankfully and used the few extra inches she had on Y/n to get to the top of the painting.

"Mila- Elsa...you-you don't have to do that." Elsa could tell just from her voice that Y/n was very nervous.

"You needed help," she insisted, looking back at Y/n. "I wanted to help."

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