Alexanders - Ch 5

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Chase didn't talk to me. She wouldn't. All I got were grunts and nods as we packed the horses and took down the campsite. Truth be told I kind of wanted to ride with Sadie this time, just so that I wouldn't have to listen to Chase's deafening silence. But I knew she wouldn't let me, Sadie was too scared of Chase beating her to a bloody pulp if something were to happen to me.

So, when the time came for us to mount up I followed Chase to her horse. She didn't say anything, in fact, she barely looked at me as she offered her hand to help me up. "Thanks," I said quietly, getting on behind her. She didn't say anything and got her pony in line to follow Sadie.

We rode at a steady trot, taking the northwest trail to Valentine. I wanted to talk to her, to joke with her, and to figure out what 'this' was but I could sense that she wasn't in the mood to conversate. Even from behind her I could tell that her gaze was centered on nothing but the road in front of her. So I just sighed and held onto her as much as I needed to, again, wishing that I was riding with someone else.

To pass the time and keep my mind off of her I counted the birds that flew by and hummed a song to myself. It worked, for a while until I seemed to get on Chase's nerves. "What are you doing?" she said in a not-so-kind voice.

"Trying to pass the time," I said innocently, I refused to fight with her today.

"Yeah well...maybe don't," she scoffed.

"Why? You don't like my songs?"


"We have passed 27 birds," I said randomly.

"Good to know," she deadpanned.

I just shook my head and resumed humming. She let me continue for a little more until snapping again. "Seriously? Sarah knock it off."

"Hmmm..." I said acting like I was actually considering it. "No. You won't talk to me so I have to entertain myself somehow."

"I'm talking to you right now aren't I?"

"You wouldn't a minute ago, and this morning," I defended.

"Yeah well..." She trailed off, her sour mood was fading some.

"So you're talking to me now?"

She didn't say anything.

I sighed, resting my cheek against the back of her shoulder. This entire ordeal was kind of draining. Who knew emptions were so hard to figure out? "You remember the time when we found that old woman in the woods?"

Chase was quiet for a moment before she bit the bullet and responded with a gruff "Where?"

"You don't remember? A little north of Strawberry? Kinda to the west."

Another beat of silence then, "Yeah."

"That was good cabin. A fair enough ride to town but...still worth it. Peaceful." I laughed then mostly to myself as I thought of how she yelled and hollered first for us, then at us. "She was so mad!" I mimicked her, "You two! You was supposed to come through two days ago!"

My heart gave a leap in my chest when I heard Chase chuckle. Chuckle! It encouraged me to keep going, wanting her to be pleased with me.

"She didn't even hesitate or try and verify who we were. " I switched to the lady's voice again, "Go 'head! Take what 'cha got. Put it in the cellar!"

"There was a shotgun in that cellar y'know."


"Yeah. In a case." Chase shifted in her saddle before sighing. "I took, uh...I think a box of shells and some revolver ammo. Left the gun. Didn't need it."

"Right. You've already got the double-barrel. I took some tonics when she wasn't lookin'. Though, by the time you came back up she was losing it."

Chase's voice was " 'Course I remember. How could I forget?"

Smiling I gave a quiet "Hmm."

I smiled even wider when she tried to make conversation. "We're getting close to town now...any idea of what kind of mare you want?"

"I don't know....a morgan? And you never know, it might be a stallion."

"Oh, it'll be a mare. You always go for the girl ones."

"I do not!"

"Remember back in '89? We were in...ah, I don't know it was somewhere down south but that guy offered you a pick of his selection. You picked the scraggly mare over the other males."

I couldn't even recall what she was referring to but I still tried to defend myself. "No I did least I don't think so."

She chuckled at my uncertainty. "Yes, you did."

"-And anyway, what does it matter? This one's a girl." I reached and patted the horse we were riding. She paid us no mind and just kept going. "What's her name?" I asked realizing I didn't even know.

"Abby," Chase said with a hum, I remember she was always fond of that name too bad she usually picked out boys.

"What happened to Henry?"

"He was shot a couple of months back."

"Shame..." I said, I quite liked that horse. A gentle giant. He was like Chase's bestfriend.

"Well, it happens." She cleared her throat and shifted in the saddle. "What kind of gun do you want? Are you gonna stick to just a pistol or-?

"I dunno...."

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