Getting Sussy 2 (Among Us)

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Brown stood in the bathroom between the shared quarters of her and Black, inspecting herself. "I am gaining..." she whispered, rubbing a hand over the curve of her stomach, barely noticeable. Though the thought that it wasn't just fat failed to cross her mind. "Need to volunteer for more space walks..."

She was suddenly thrust out of her thoughts as an alarm blared and the ship's interior lights flashed yellow. Christ, another team meeting.

She grumbled to herself in annoyance as she made her way to the conference room.

Though she always harbored suspicions about Orange being the imposter among them she was never able to prove it. At least before they slept together and now...

She sort of felt this promise, agreement to not snitch. Plus, ever since the last time, no corpses had been spotted and every morning all crew members were accounted for. Maybe...maybe things were changing for the better.

As Brown entered the room she saw Yellow standing over the red button, an angry expression on his face while Black, White, and Cyan chatted. Meanwhile Red and...Orange were playing some childish game with their hands and laughing. Behind her in came Maroon and Tan, each taking their respective seats at the table.

"Now that everyone's here- AHEM!" Yellow glared at Orange and Red as they continued to joke instead of getting quiet and moving to their seats like everyone else, even Brown herself. "I think we all need to talk."

"Oh c'mon now Yellow, what's the problem this time?" Cyan grumbled and everyone mutually agreed. The lemon colored crewmate was always calling them into these unnecessary meetings to either harp on someone about their task or claim someone was being sus.

"Well, Cyan, and everyone. As you do know it has been 1 month since the death of our dear friend Olive Green." The lights in the room suddenly dimmed and a projector lowered from a place in the ceiling, showing a picture of the fallen crewmate as Yellow stepped to the side. "She will forever be in our hearts...Rest in peace."

A somber silence filled the room until Yellow spoke again, really proving why he called the meeting.

"Y'know, in that one month I've done a lot of thinking, a lot of...watching." The slide changed to a picture of the vacuum of space. "I think that it's a damn shame, that-that killer still walks among us and they are in this meeting no less." Next was a slide of all of the surviving peoples' pictures, compiled into 2 rows. "I watched each and everyone one of you for the past 2 weeks, and I can say without a doubt..."

A switch of the slides showed the photo of Orange, caption killer for effect. "Orange is the imposter!"

No one around the table cheered or congratulated Yellow, no one stood to apprehend the suspect. Like Brown, most sighed in exasperation at the seemingly nonsensical accusation. "Proof?" said Red.

"Proof? Well, I-uh, I may not have some at the moment but-"

"Alright, I'm out of here," Maroon said, standing and going towards the door.

"No, no, wait! I-I have something, she's always, she..."

Tan stood too and followed along with Cyan.

"She's always around the vents! Ha! You all know she is!"

"Her specialty is HVAC," White said simply before walking out herself.

"No-no-yes-no-" Yellow continued to sputter, trying to make an argument as, slowly, everyone walked out on him.

Brown just watched as he picked up scattered papers on the table, clutching them before following after the majority of those who had left.

Now it was just her, Orange and Black. But Black was already standing, promising to see her later before leaving.

It was her and Orange now.

"Wow," Orange said, making her way to where she sat. "What do ya' make of that?"

"I-" Brown thought for a moment, standing to meet the opaque colored crewmate. "No comment."

"No comment?" Orange said with a chuckle before looking her over, "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes? Thought I'd spot you at the electrical issue yesterday but..."

"I had a flashlight, I was fine."

"Just fine?" Orange murmured, moving in, voice dropping in a decidedly attractive way. "You didn't miss this?" Her hands gestured to her own body.

"Ugh, you may be cute but your 'flirting'-" Brown pushed lightly at Orange's chest.


"-is not."

"I was being smooth. You like smooth!"

Brown just answered with an eye roll. One minute she was fine, the next she felt very annoyed by the woman in front of her.

"Someone's moody today. I-"

"What?" Brown suddenly had a strong hold on Orange's arm, twisting it in an extremely uncomfortable way. "Say that again? I dare you."

"God- I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it was a joke, it was a joke!"

Brown let go and pushed back, still pissed. "Fucking joke, yeah right."

Orange rubbed the spot on her arm as she grumbled to herself. "Seriously, what's the problem?"

"You! You're the problem and don't you dare come back with one of your snarky remarks."

"I-I wasn't, christ!"

But in the next moment, Brown was suddenly grounded and knew her anger was mostly unwarranted and ridiculous.

She looked at Orange rubbing her arm still and felt bad.

But her ego wouldn't let her apologize. "I have to go," she said quietly and left.

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