Getting Sussy 5 (Among Us)

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"You know...that would explain the anger, the crying...."

Brown frowned and crossed her arms as she listened to Orange speak about the new revelation. It had been about a month since she first told her. 

The words that she spoke now made her frustrated and tense even though her lover was just making an observation.

Truth be told, she had been experiencing a lot of irrational anger as of late. It was probably some pregnancy side effect exaggerated due to the fact that she was technically carrying the child of a fucking alien! Speaking of which....

"Orange, are you the imposter?" Brown said, point blank. She needed to know for her sanity as the allegations and evidence had been slowly eating away at her mind as of late.

"Wha- I thought we were gonna, y'know," Orange looked confused and genuinely unsure of why the question was posed then. But she still didn't give a straight answer.

Brown frowned even more if that was possible. "That's not an answer."

"Why are you asking me this right now?" Orange said, deflecting, again.

"Because I'm pregnant with your fucking child?!" Brown said harshly, trying not to get loud as they were meeting in secret in an empty conference room. She just thought that Orange would at least tell her of all people. "Are you fucking kidding me? The fuck do you mean 'Why are you asking'?"

"Hey, I didn't mean to-" Orange stopped mid sentence. She didn't need to finish as they both knew what would come next.

Brown scoffed then, frustrated, she would not let the question go. "If it makes you feel any better, I didn't ask to have the child of a fucking alien who, by the way, can't be bothered to tell the truth."

"I'm not lying!"

"Then answer the question! Are you the imposter?"

Brown just stared at Orange as the "Crewmate" stared back clearly on the edge of saying something, perhaps the truth.

"I...I really do care about you and not just because you're having my...kid." Orange glanced at Brown's stomach as the last word left her mouth. "Just know that when I first saw you, something told me that I had to sleep with you."

"Sleep with me?" Brown said slightly offended.

"Yes! Okay? But, like, not just sex because it's...sort of...." Brown could only stare at Orange as the Imposter sighed. "Fine, yes, okay? I am the Imposter."

Brown didn't say a word.

"But it's not like you think. I- my job is, was, to eliminate everyone on board and then pilot the ship back to the mothership so that it could be stripped for parts, or whatever they do, I don't know. Just, you were....don't be mad, but, I did want to get you pregnant, I guess."

"You guess?" Brown breathed, speechless by what she was hearing.

"It wasn't my mission, okay? But it's kind of part of my base instincts to spread my genes and make more kind. And with one of you guys? I....with you...."

The way Orange spoke, Brown honestly felt like a pawn, a thing that Orange had just happened across and accidentally contaminated and infected with her seed. "What- what about me?" she said, tearing up a bit.

"That's what I'm trying to say, you and if you hadn't asked about me being an imposter, I would have raised our kid with you and just been presumed ejected by mothership. And-and that's what I still want to do." Orange tried to step a bit closer, but Brown flinched and stepped back.

It was one thing to speculate, but to actually hear the rumors, the truth? Brown felt betrayed and lamented her naivete, how could she have ignored the reality of the situation? Hot tears were streaming down her face now and she took another step back when Orange tried to reach out. "No, no- don't fucking touch me-"


She felt dirty and used and....betrayed. "You- lied to me! No- no!" She was seething with anger as she stepped back, farther and farther away from the parent of her child. An unborn baby. A hybrid of two species. Proof of the truth.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Orange pleaded. With every step forward, Brown took a step back. "I'm sorry, please, I'm sorry-"

"Fuck you! FUCK YOU!" Brown yelled as she left the room before Orange could chase after her. 

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