Elsa's Problem - 7

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Elsa was in shock. Her eyes caught a glimpse of Anna's red hair before the door was closed and she was forced to focus on the woman who stared back at her.


Within seconds Elsa's hands covered her groin and she scrambled to get as far away from Y/n as possible. This led to her getting off the bed using it as a barrier between the two of them. "How-how- What-"

"Miss Anna asked me to speak with you. Are-are you okay? You never showed...." Y/n frowned. Though she didn't look angry, just sad.

Elsa was nearly speechless. Nearly. "I'm sorry!" she blurted, holding herself tighter. She took a step back as Y/n took a step forward. The maid was unable to get any closer due to the bed.

"Did I do something wrong?" Y/n said, "You kissed me earlier but now you're..."

"It's-it's not your fault!"

"....It....doesn't feel that way." she said, still looking sad, "I'm sorry if I...if I did something to, um, ruin this." Her hands made a weak gesture to the two of them.

"It's not your fault," Elsa said again feeling ashamed. She was a grown woman for chrissakes! Why couldn't she deal with her emotions? "It's not your fault...."

They were both silent for a moment and Elsa tried not to draw attention to the way she held herself but it was no use. She could feel Y/n's eyes staring at her cupped hands, she could sense the question.

"Would you talk to me?" Y/n whispered and Elsa just stood yearning for connection, touch. When she didn't answer Y/n spoke again, already beginning to move, "Will you at least sit with me?"

She could do that, right?

Elsa gave a shaky exhale and nodded as she took a leap of faith and sat on the edge of the bed. And while she tried to stay as far away from Y/n as possible, the woman sat close to her. So close that their thighs brushed against one another despite Elsa's best efforts not to touch her.

"So, um...." Y/n started, "I suppose you know by now...."

Elsa could only stare straight ahead as she listened to the woman talk. Every brush of her thigh made the situation in her dress worse. What was she to do?

"I have a crush on you."

Elsa couldn't help but turn her head at that. She looked at Y/n to see the woman avoiding her gaze. "You...." she said, finally speaking.

"I know you're the queen and all, and I wasn't sure if you asked me out because....I don't know. It was stupid," Y/n said softly, clearly nervous. But Elsa still listened.

"No- It wasn't stupid. I-" Elsa took another chance, "I like you too."

"But...you're the queen-"

"I am not some...celebrity, some unobtainable figure." Elsa said, shaking her head. She really hoped no one else saw her that way. She'd have to look into public relations when she got the chance.

"I don't know. You make me nervous. Like I can't breathe and my heart's gonna beat out of my chest." At this point Y/n leaned back, laying on Elsa's bed, looking up at the ceiling which was....covered in ice.

Elsa thought for a moment before literally saying "Fuck it," under her breath as she leaned back too, keeping her hands on her groin of course. "You make me feel the same way," she admitted, glad that she wasn't alone in the chaotic feeling of having a crush. "Like....I can't focus on anything but you."

"Really?" Y/n said and Elsa could hear the smile in her voice. The maid turned and looked at Elsa who continued to stare at the ceiling.

"Yes. You are very distracting."

"Aw, well, I'm sorry m'lady."


"Hm, Elsa," Y/n said but in a slightly exaggerated way, flirtatious.

Elsa felt her heart leap and turned to face Y/n who gazed at her with this look in her eyes. "I am sorry about the temperature," Elsa said, trying to ignore the way Y/n bit her lip and moved a mite closer. "I swear I can control my powers."


"Are-are you cold?"

"A bit," Y/n said and Elsa suddenly felt guilty.

"Sorry," she apologized before closing her eyes trying to relax (if it was even possible) and do away with the frost that covered the floor and nearly every surface making the room seem like a refrigerator.

It was when the ice began to disperse from the ceiling that she felt Y/n move impossibly closer, placing a hand on Elsa's hip causing her to open her eyes at once. "Uhmm-" she started not sure if she should pull away or let whatever was going to happen, happen.

"....Can I kiss you?" Y/n whispered. Their knees touched and if Elsa didn't know any better she'd be massaging instead of just holding.

She dared to move her hands from herself to Y/n's hip as she prayed that the maid wouldn't look down. "Yes," she said softly and braced herself as she felt soft lips press against hers.

It was only for a few seconds before Y/n pulled back with a smile.

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