Hippokrates' Apprentice: The Second Time

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You stretched as you woke. Blankets rustled when you moved, and the sunlight from a near window managed to gleam across your still closed eyes, bothering you a bit. You wanted to sleep more, not-

Holy shit.

You opened your eyes and looked around as you remembered. Had it really happened?

The bowl of oil sat far away. Moved so that it would not be knocked over. It was half empty. And you found that you smelled faintly of sweat and...something...Gods, what was that?

You scrunched your nose as you took another whiff. And you tried to put a name to it, but couldn't pinpoint it exactly.

But you found that it was truly a smell you didn't know. 'Never mind,' you thought and brought a hand up to run through your messy hair, only to have an important thought catch your attention.

Where had Kassandra gone?

You had no time to flutter and gush over the fact that you two had slept together. Her armor was gone. Every piece, and you knew that she never went without it.

Looking around the empty room, focusing on trying to hear something from downstairs, only to settle with silence which led you to the conclusion, she was doing one of two things.

Either A) exercising, climbing and the like as she did every morning, or B) she had run away on her boat with Barnabas, never to be heard from again.

But, really, knowing Kass it's most likely A.

You sighed and looked around for your chiton, hoping to begin dressing before she returned, only to have been too damn slow. When you had stood to find your clothing, you heard a soft grunt and the sound of feet, sandals nearly tapping against floor or wall.

And by the gods, you swore your heart nearly jumped in your chest as you turned around to greet your intruder.

Even though you recognized the braid, the gleaming gold armor, the build, you still had to clamp a hand over your mouth to keep from screaming, eyes wide. She pulled herself through the window.

And seeing you, she froze herself, as you were still naked standing amongst the ruins of last night. You. Her girlfriend, lover. A pink blush covered her cheeks as she looked down and to the side.

"K-kass," You said in a whisper-like tone, shocked, too much so to look for your chiton now. And you took in her state. Indeed, she had been doing option A, her baby hairs plastered to her forehead by sweat and her chest heaved as if she had pushed herself harder than yesterday.

But she also had something. A...flower?

"Kassandra?" You questioned, still not caring about your appearance as much as she may have. She still refused to look at you.

She was...nervous?

"I- I got you...uh, I woke up and went climbing, running, and..."

You stepped forward, drawn by her sheer handsomeness, something about the smell of her sweat and muscles flexing slightly...had you lost it this time?

What was making you...step...forward...?

She looked up at the sound of you moving closer, a reflex, something that clearly had her astonished. "Oh...wow..." she murmured, face ever redder, like a virgin teen, she took in your naked form. Breast, nipples, thighs...

And you swore you saw her hips thrust in the air ever so slightly.

You looked again at the flowers, so beautiful anyone would think Aphrodite crafted them, they wavered softly in her grasp.

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