Sarah × Ms. A - Part 7

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I rarely went into the office but when I did I usually sat through some boring-ass meeting. This time it was about getting approval for our new antidepressant. Using vitamin D we were able to create a new pill that increases the body's natural levels of oxytocin. It was great but...why do I need to be here? All I do is say "mhm" and nod my head.

I was getting distracted while one of my employees went over our policy, I looked at my phone under the table and started texting Sarah. She had just gotten back from a doctor's appointment for the pregnancy, they just to make sure everything was okay after she'd been having some pain. I would have loved to be with her but of course, I was stuck in this meeting that was...coming to an end?

"Ms. Alexanders do you have any final words?" The head of the research lab said and everyone looked at me. Some looked tired, others just looked bored.

I cleared my throat and stood. "Thank you everyone you all are free to return back to your schedules, as always please contact my secretary, Rachel, if you have any questions or concerns."

Everyone started filling out of the room. I was about to stand when my secretary pulled me aside.

"Um Ms. Alexanders, it's about The head of MET. They would really, really like to have a word with you."

"Okay, thanks. Put them on line 1, I'll take it in my office." Fuck. Not this again. They wanted me to sign a merger. Zkyla Sharppington, the owner of Met (Medical Engineering Tech) had always been I guess you could say my "rival". She was the only other company that bothered me. I had been in numerous lawsuits after they'd tried to fabricate lies about me overworking my employees or something. Now she was taking a friendlier approach by trying to buy my company from me.

I took a deep breath before picking up the phone. "Zkyla, how are you?"

"Chase!!! I'm doing well, say how's that wife of yours?"

"Oh well, she's my girlfriend-"

"What!!! You still haven't settled down yet???"

"I- no, I guess I haven't. Say how's that mangy dog of yours? Oh wait a minute, she's dead."

I smirked as I heard Zkyla's voice crack a little. "Well you know...diabetes am I right?" She tried to play it off but I knew I had hit her hard. That stupid mutt was her whole life. Without it, she was just an empty shell, and it showed.

"Say Zkyla, how's that new brand deal of yours going? I heard it fell through..." she cleared her throat and chuckled a little.

"Well, you know how it win some you lose some. But y'know we could win a lot more-"

"-If we joined together, I know Zkyla. See I've heard your little speech before. So how about you say something new?"

"W-well I-"

"Oops, Zkyla looks like I'm out of time!! Hey, I'll catch you later okay?"


"Okay bye!" I promptly hung up and pumped my fist in the air. It felt really good knowing she was probably crying in her office right now. You might say "that's mean" but she truly deserves it. Wanna know how she got so rich? She killed her grandmother and framed an innocent homeless man for the murder. Not only did she get away with 3 million in inheritance money, but she also scalped the poor woman before paying a mercenary to rape and kill her.

Her grandmother was a kind soul. She helped raise money for cancer research and donated regularly to Johns Hopkins.

Zkyla was getting angry saying that she was blowing all of HER money on 'stupid sick kids'. Needless to say, Zkyla is a bad person and she deserves every bad thing coming her way.

I quickly made my way home because I was dying to get out of this suit. Even though Sarah insisted that I looked 'hot' in it I still found it far too uncomfortable. After changing into a pair of sweats and a t-shirt I decided to spend some quality time with my girlfriend.

"How was the appointment?" I asked as she sighed and crawled into the bed and under the blankets.

"It was fine, oh, I got some pictures."

"Pictures?" I said. She handed me them. They were sonograms of the baby.


"They said it's a boy, well, they're pretty sure. We won't know if it's actually a girl and like you until they're born."

It all felt so...surreal. I was gonna be a mom.

"Chase?" Sarah said shaking me out of my thoughts.


"No I- I'm excited to...y'know we should really start picking out names..."

"Yeah..." I said and handed her back one of the pics that way we could each have one.

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