Getting Sussy 7 (Among Us)

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Tan had run a cycle of hydrater through Brown via an IV, much to her reluctance. And even though the fluids left her feeling a bit better, she still felt exhausted and hungry and above all absolutely drained.

"Here," Tan said after he had finished starting the IV. In his hand was an unlabelled bar, a protein bar? "It's a nutritional bar. It should boost your energy and help tithe you over until you can get to the cafeteria."

Brown took it, already starting to grimace as she knew that it would taste horribly, just like everything else that Tan had given her so far.

"It's cherry flavored." he said, smiling as if the terms 'cherry flavored' and 'nutritional bar' belonged together. "And not to seem like I''ve gotta eat it here seeing as you've skipping meals."


"I've gotta make sure that you're eating something, even if it doesn't have the best taste. It's good for you."

Brown rolled her eyes and unpackaged the bar, biting into it and chewing a few times before swallowing. It was absolutely disgusting. "Oh my-" she tried not to gag.

"Y'know, I've got a sheet of all the possible colors that your baby can be. Would you like to see?"

"Fine." she grumbled needing something, anything to help her get through the worst 'meal' of her life.

"Let's see, ahem, seeing as your parents are a....purple and yellow. Orange's parents are listed as....a red and a yellow..." He unlocked his tablet and opened up a file that was labeled, Brown/Orange. Scrolling a bit, he stopped upon a document that had a 5x5 chart of circles, all with different hues of browns and oranges. "So, most likely this is what you'll get. Like an amber color almost. Probably."


"Well, there's always the rare chance that the baby could be a purple or yellow or red. Because, y'know, grandparents."


"Yellow especially because you've got one on each side. But I think..." he looked at the chart and pointed at an even mix of brown and orange. "Probably this but a lighter color, a bit of yellow."

"I...I like that color..." Brown said, pointing to a more Orange-like one.

"Yes...that ones nice too. I suppose that's technically orange."

Brown just stared at it, then she looked away.

Tan just glanced at her before putting his tablet away. "Do you want to see if it's a boy or a girl? You're far along enough now."

"I...guess," Brown said quietly. She was done with the bar and was just waiting for the IV treatment to be done.

Tan nodded and began prep to do what he needed to.

"Is it an ultrasound?" Brown inquired.

"No, no...well...we can do one but it's quicker and less messy for me to just take a sample."


Tan turned around from his display and drawers of equipment with a syringe.

"Oh fuck-"

"I know you hate needles but think of it as...I'm saving you the hassle of bringing out the sonogram and the gel and having you wait while I look around for the baby. This is much more simple."

Brown fought the idea of ripping the IV out and leaving but Tan already had gloves on as he tore open a sanitizing wipe.

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