Size (Alcina D.)

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"It doesn't bother you?"

You lay on her lap, back pressed against her front as she lounged on the bed. Both of you, just listening to the crackle of the fireplace.

"Hmm? What?" she mumbled, seeming to have been dozing off.

"Sorry- Didn't mean to wake you."

"No, no, what was your question."

You squirmed slightly, really just curious. "How small I am compared to you, it doesn't bother you?"

A light rumble went through her, laughter, you felt it vibrate against you. "No." You could hear the smile in her voice. She clearly found the question amusing.

You sighed and took her hand, nearly twice as big as yours. She had her gloves off now and you were able to place your right palm against hers. Fingers together, you could really see how much larger she was in comparison.

She watched you fiddle with her hand. "Does it bother you?" she whispered, warm breath ghosting the top of your head.

"No, I just..."

"Tell me," she said, an order.

"I don't know. I was just...thinking about it...I guess."

"Hmm." she carefully clasped her hand around yours. "I quite enjoy our...difference." Her left hand wandered onto your thigh, just holding you there, proving yet again how large she was. "...I think you're positively adorable."

You smiled at the compliment. Any doubt that you had about her opinion was squashed by her confession. "Really?"

She laid a soft kiss on the top of your head and held you closer. "Yes, I do." 

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