Alexanders - Ch 11

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"Here." Sadie handed me a slip of paper as we trudged through the muddy road to the general store.

I gave her a confused look as I unfolded it.

"The supplies list."

"Five pounds of potatoes...three cans of corn..." I read.

"Charles wrote it, wanted to make some sort of stew before we made it into New Austin."

"You know what kind of meat?"

"Probably bear if the butcher has it, why?"

"No reason." I sighed and slipped the note into my pocket. My mind soon wandered to the sad sight of Chase fumbling with a cigarette.

"Thinking about her?" Sadie said, reading my mind.


"You're...not gonna throw her away...right?"

" 'Course not! It's just...I love her, y'know?"


"And...I just feel bad even though she hurt me...but then she apologized...and..."

"She looked real torn up once I yelled at her."

"Right! You told her to apologize and I don't know if she really wants me...? If that makes sense."

Sadie pondered and I too took the time to review what I had just said. "I can see how you feel that way."


"But, I think you should allow her to...woo you."


"Yeah. A date."

Oh. We've done that plenty of times, well, before we split up. I couldn't bring myself to do it with someone else. "Well, we ain't done it since before we broke up."


"-She is so good at it. Like, seriously, I miss her...I miss doing-"

Sadie stopped walking, giving me the most confused expression ever. "Wait- what-what are you talking about?"

I rubbed the back of my neck. Suddenly actually saying 'it' making my face hot. "What are you talking about?"

"No, no, what are you talking about?"

"A-a date?"

"That's...what I think you talking about is not a date!"


"No! I'm talkin' 'bout a picnic or a...going out to a restaurant or..."


"Oh?" Sadie scoffed, "No offense..." Sadie shook her head and started forward again, "But yall are one hell of a pair..."

I didn't know what to say after that, so, I just followed her, thinking about what a date supposedly really meant.

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