Hippokrates' Apprentice 3 (ACO)

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You sat on soft blankets, scribbling baby names on a scroll, choosing your favorites. When Kassandra came into your shared home. Her presence was soon known as she quickly went to the room you were in, peeking through the doorway. "Hey," she said with a smile, coming in all the way.

"Chaire," you murmured, not looking up. You really wanted your child's name to have meaning, to be inspirational. Maybe Kass had some ideas-

Suddenly a large pouch fell in front of you. The unmistakable sound of drachmae. "What-?" It nearly spilled your ink. But looking up at Kassandra you could see she was beaming with pride.

"1,780 drachmae! 1,780!" (500 USD) she exclaimed, grinning. You just looked surprised as she settled next to you on the blankets.

And when she kissed your cheek, grabbing the very hefty bag once more, you unfroze, inquiring about the money. "I...what did you do to get this?"

"A man needed me to get evidence of his wife cheating on him."

"I assume he was rich..."

"Very much indeed. It will help with the baby, if I keep getting jobs like this." Kassandras enthusiasm and hope was showing through her words, her tone. It made you smile. "I...I can't wait until..." she reached and placed a hand on your stomach.

You watched her happy and wonderful expression as she felt your warm, taut skin. Both of you hoped the baby would kick at that moment so that she could feel. You looked at her lips, the still pink scar that crossed the bridge of her nose. The one diagonal on her upper lip and chin.

She was beautiful. Handsomely-pretty in her own unique way and...

Gods, for you to have landed with her?

"Kassandra..." you murmured, catching her gaze as she looked up at the sound of her name. Slowly, she leaned in to kiss you, hand remaining on your stomach. And you let her, encouraged her to kiss you softly, placing a hand upon her cheek.

Kass read you like a scroll and continued the flow. Parting briefly for a breath and to gaze down at your stomach for a second before catching your lips once more. This time with more intensity.

You should have been astonished at how fast you could go from brainstorming baby names to...

Her other hand went to grope her growing erection, something that she seemed to do subconsciously whenever she got one.

And you too felt yourself grow aroused quickly. Possibly due to some side effects of being pregnant. No matter what it was you felt this yearning to be with her. "Kass..." you said lowly.

She sighed and parted only an inch. Her words made you weak. "Do you want to fuck?" she whispered.

Why must she be so blunt about it? Of course you wanted to...fuck. Was the way you leaned into her touch, your fervor consuming your thoughts not enough? Your answer was clear in the way you lead the hand on your stomach to your hips. But still, you gave a verbal answer, "Yes, please..."

Her lips found yours and her hands held your hips tightly, guiding you to lean back.

And as she towered over you, light bouncing in just a way to cast her face in a shadow when she stood.

It made her seem...Zeus like...

She retrieved a small bowl of olive oil and in that short time you had taken your chiton off, just lifting it over your head when she came back in.

"Gods..." she murmured in the sweetest way you had ever heard. Her admiration for you evident in the way she spoke and gazed. She placed the bowl down and helped you lift the clothing all the way off before tossing it to the side.

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