Anger, Control, Dominate 2 (Alcina D.)

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The wrecked vanity was gone. Every wood scrap and chipped off piece of paint was removed from the hardwood floor and rug, undoubtedly slaved over by one of the poor maids. You stared at the spot on the floor picturing the faces of every girl you'd ever seen in the castle, wondering which one of them had done the job.

The new piece of furniture would swiftly arrive in a day or two courtesy of The Duke.

You stayed silent except for a soft 'Yes, Mistress' when she called for you.

She was sitting in a cushioned chair, extremely expensive no doubt, smoking one of her cigarettes with her holder. "Come here," she beckoned, using a hand to pat her lap.

You made your way over from where you had been just standing looking at the spot that the wreckage had been just a few days before. Perhaps your behavior had been a bit odd, but she said nothing of it as she blew out the last bit of smoke before flicking the stub into the fireplace, setting the holder down on a small stand beside her.

A bit of relief washed over you as she discarded her vice. You hated the smoky haze and the way it made you cough.

She offered a hand to you so you took it (though you did not need it) and made a place on her lap, like you were anticipating some sort of story to be told, nearly being cradled by her. You were quiet and attentive to her every movement. The way her left hand came to rest on your side keeping you to her, the way she herself was now focused on you and only you.

Her golden irises made the heat rise to your cheeks as she spoke lowly.

"Oh, how I do enjoy looking at you."

Her words were the closest thing to a compliment she had ever said to you and it had your heart skipping a beat. You looked down into your own lap at your hands that fought to crack your knuckles out of nervousness. A habit that she quickly snapped out of you when she first took you as hers.

Lady Dimitrescu stayed silent for a moment, observing your behavior giving a slight "Hmm," before effortlessly maneuvering you to straddle her, forcing you to give her your full attention.

Both hands were on your sides now and your face was even hotter as you became acutely aware of your spread legs and her face being so close to yours.

This all seemed to be exactly what she wanted as she tilted her head slightly before giving you a soft short kiss. Practically just a press of your lips.

When she parted you saw how her lips were bare of her signature red lipstick. And before you could stop yourself, you reached and touched your own lips with your fingertips to feel if it had all rubbed off onto yours.

Of course, such a thing was impossible. But she seemed to find some sort of appeal or amusement in your action seeing as she gave you a look that instantly informed you of her want.

Her hands pulled you a bit closer and her cigarette laced breath circled you as she spoke again.

"You never got your reward from Tuesday."

Oh...Your mind immediately recalled the words that she had said while you had been in that wonderful post-orgasmic state. And while it hadn't been a promise, she clearly still wanted to make good on it right now.

Your Mistress' eyes kept glancing at your lips as her hands pulled you truly flush against her. You looked at her lips as well waiting, wanting her move. And it wasn't until you gave a small nod that she did.

Then she kissed you softly again at first before she escalated the whole affair, widening the kiss, pushing into you.

Your hands reflexively went to her chest, pressing there for a bit of stability though, she would never let you fall.

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