Alexanders - Ch 2

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I awoke just as we were crossing from the Grizzlies East to The Cumberland Forest. How did I know? I asked Chase.

She seemed somewhat relieved that after my nap I was feeling a little better. And after offering me some salted venison and a drink from her canteen she settled into telling me the story of how she, Charles, and Sadie met.

I listened closely, holding onto her. My head resting on her back. Each word sent a vibration through her and into me. It was...comforting. It reminded me of when I used to ride with her.

As she talked I closed my eyes and slowly inhaled. She smelled of campfire, faint sweat, and... cigarettes? Since when did Chase smoke?

"Do you still have a headache?"

"Hmm? Oh no, no." I said, slightly distracted by her scent.

"Good...y'know you never told me how you ended up in Vanhorn. The last time I saw you, you were in what was it? Rhodes?"

"Yeah," I mumbled against her and sighed. "After we..." I frowned thinking of when we split, but then continued. "I followed a tip for a bounty that lead up to Valentine. Of course, it was one of those O'Driscoll boys. There was a whole bunch of 'em holed up in Six Point Cabin."

"That's how you..."

"Yeah. I shot the lot of 'em, robbed the place and when I was sure that the bounty wasn't there I went to town. Had a drink and we' know how it goes."

"So I do." She sighed and I thought for a moment before asking the following.

"Did you miss me?" I felt her shift in the saddle, clearly not too keen on talking about how she felt right now.

"I...I'm glad you're okay." She said, not really giving me a straight answer.

We went quiet then.

"You smoke?" I said trying to start another conversation. I liked hearing her voice.

"Ah, sometimes. Not really. Sadie introduced me. I don't really like the taste."

"Yeah, I'll bet," I remembered when we were young and stole a pack from a general store. She gaged from the taste and quite frankly I didn't care for it either.

"It's not good for you, you know," I reminded her. She just chuckled.

"I know."

We rode at a steady trot for another hour or two before Sadie called it and we stopped for the day.

So, Charles found a clearing and we got ready to settle.

Chase dismounted and told me to stay put. I watched as she reached behind me and took her bedroll from her saddle and laid it on the grass. "Chase?" I questioned and she came to me with her arms open, as if she wanted to carry me. "I can stand y'know," I said sliding from the saddle into her embrace. She was careful not to put pressure on any of my bruises as she cradled me in her arms effortlessly.

"I know..." she said. "I just...want to be careful is all."

I watched her face as she held me while reaching into her saddlebags for something else. She clearly cared far more than she was willing to admit.

She got out her canteen before laying me on the bedroll and handing me the beverage container. "I'm gonna go see if I can find some game. I'll be back, okay? Please...don't get up."

I nearly scoffed and gave her a look that said 'Really?' but she seemed pretty adamant on me lying still so I agreed to stay put, watching her go over to Sadie and talk before heading back to her horse to get her rifle, and head out past camp

Once Chase was gone Sadie came over to me. "You doin' alright?" she said taking a seat on the grass beside where I lay.

I nodded and sighed. "Thank you for...saving me."

" 'Course. It was Charles mostly...and Chase."

That caught my attention. "Chase," I whispered and stared up at the branches and leaves above us, picturing her.

"She cares, a lot."

"Does she?"

Sadie chuckled. "I said something about still liking you and she got all defensive. So yeah, I'd say she cares. That and she told me not to let you get up."

My fingers gripped the canteen, the cool metal contrasting against my hot hands as I thought about what Sadie had just said and what it might really mean.

"Why did you two break up? If you don't mind me asking..."

I sighed knowing exactly why we weren't 'together' anymore. "She wanted to go straight. Stop committing crimes and start stopping them or at least, just stop doing them. I kept getting into trouble and it came to the point where I guess she got fed up said we were through."

"When's the last time you got in trouble?" Sadie said glancing at me. "I'm guessing the fight?"


We both looked up at the faint sound of a gunshot ringing out. She must've found something.

"She'll be coming back soon." Sadie glanced at me. "Anything else you want to get off your chest?"

"I'm trying." I blurted out. Remembering why I had picked up that O'Driscoll bounty in the first place. "I don't know how to prove to her that I can and want to go straight."

Sadie thought for a moment before giving me some very useful advice and an offer that I gladly took her up on. "Stay with us. Our work is well....pretty damn legal. If you go at it hard enough she'll see that you mean well."

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