Alexanders - Ch 10

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I got up early the next morning. Not on purpose, it's just...I had a lot to think about.

Was I seriously considering not giving Chase a chance? No.

I loved her and always will, it's just...I need time. The words she had said the other day when I cried still rang clear in my head. It's just bad memories is all.

The only other one up was Sadie, she had guard duty.

"Hey," she whispered as I approached her with a steaming cup of coffee for her.

"Hey." We both sat on a nearby rock watching the sun rise. The orange hues being the perfect entertainment. "What...what did you say to her, before y'all came back?" I questioned.

"Nothin' much." She took a sip. "Just told her to get her act together and apologize."


"-Among other things..."

I was sure those 'other things' would be something I wouldn't care to know. So, I let it go. "You think you'll ever marry again?"

"Me? No...My time in polite society is over. Plus, no one could ever replace my Jake."

"I understand."

Now she changed the subject. "How'd the two of y'all meet anyways?"

Oh, that was a story. "Uhh..." I glanced back at camp and then to the peeking sun. We had time. "Well, I was an orphan, 'bout 7 or 8. I had ran from the group home, an orphanage. It was a terrible place so I had to get away. I didn't know where I was headed. Eventually I just kept walkin' and landed myself in Saint Denis of all places."

A glance at Sadie told me she was still interested so, I continued.

"I was checkin' anywhere for food, trash cans specifically when in one of 'em was her!"


"Scared the shit outta me, I'll tell ya but she gave me an apple she'd found and from then on we teamed up. Learned how to steal, pickpocket, and live."


"When we started hitting the years. Y'know how it is."

"So you've known her your whole life?"

"Pretty much-"

The sound of boots crunching on rocks interrupted me. We both turned spooked to see Charles. "Good morning. We should get a move on, stop into town and get supplies, then head out."

"Sure thing..." Sadie said, waving him off.


I could feel Chase's lingering gaze on me as I packed Joel. And could feel it on me as we trotted single file down the path to town.

What was she thinking about? One glance at her showed that she looked like a lost puppy. As if she were waiting for me to pat my thigh and call her over. Instead I turned away and focused on the upcoming buildings.

Strawberry was another old western town that was getting remodeled more and more. I once heard the mayor giving a speech about new business.

What an odd feller he was.

He seemed almost out of place in a town full of honest hard-working folks.

Still, the town retained it's charm and classic-feel.

We all hitched our horses near the post office and made a plan. Charles, of course, headed to the butcher, keen on getting the freshest and best cuts while me and Sadie went to the general store.

Chase on the other hand stood there awkwardly. And...I kind of felt bad.

On one hand, I felt it was too soon to let what had happened go, but on the other hand...

She looked as if she had barely gotten any sleep last night and she was very quiet. Which was very unlike her.

"I' the horses..." she whispered.

Sadie nodded in agreement, not pushing anything.

But when me and her headed off I saw Chase fumbling for a cigarette.

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