Elsa's Problem - 4

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Elsa didn't get much sleep.

It wasn't that big of a deal, she had taken a nap earlier. But still, she didn't sleep which wasn't good for a queen who had a castle and a town to run.

A town that she'd been honestly neglecting for the past couple of days.

Just the thought of all the paperwork and meetings she'd have to go to made her groan in half laziness and half annoyance. Yeah, that idea was quickly pushed to the side.

Her main focus was the date she had with Y/n later tonight. The date that she had been anticipating, the date that would hopefully lead to more.

The main stressor of the event was telling Y/n about her condition though, she had no idea how she'd do it.

She didn't want to come across as selfish, making it seem as though she only wanted to be with the maid to sleep with her.

No, she wanted a relationship...a future wife and mother to her kids.

But was it naive to think if only for a moment that they would do it tonight?

Was it wrong to hope that they would?

Of course, she hoped to but...it would be odd to get her pregnant right away...right?

It peeved her a little but in the end, it didn't matter, just the thought of getting a chance with Y/n was enough for her.

When Elsa went downstairs for breakfast she came down to see Kristoff and Anna already eating, both chatting idly while Olaf 'talked' with Sven.

To be honest, Elsa was still getting used to seeing a reindeer inside of the castle sometimes. So, when Sven directly met her gaze and snorted it startled her a bit.

"Morning," the two humans greeted while Olaf ran to her and hugged her, only reaching up to her knees.

"Elsa! Me and Sven were just talking about how tomatoes are fruits, would you care to join in?"

"Oh, another time...I promise." She felt bad declining his proposition and sending him away, but she needed to speak to Anna, hoping she could help with a small issue.

As luck would have it Kristoff bid everyone farewell as she sat down, having to head out to harvest and transport a new load of ice.

Elsa quickly took his spot, Anna, giving her a look at her hastiness.

"I need a favor," she quickly explained, "something, uh, something important, something..."

"God, you're so weird sometimes, Y'know that?" Anna cut her off, shaking her head, and continued eating, talking through her bites. "Spit it out already."

Elsa fiddled with her thumbs, nervous. "Well, it's...I..."

"You act as if you've got some girl-" At that moment, with that word, Anna figured it out. "Holy shit. Elsa, why didn't you tell me? Who is it? Do I know her? What does she look like?"

"Er, she's...a maid, the maid, it's Y/n-"

"Wait a minute...I know you have your...'friend'-" Anna made a gesture towards her groin, face showing great skepticism. "You didn't...get her...pregnant...did you?"

Elsa's eyes went wide at the soft accusation.

"Because if you did-"

"No!" She jumped up and nearly shouted the words, startling her sister and the few other maids that were near. She tried defending herself again, this time with less of a performance. Her voice lowered and she slowly sat back down, this time under the table her hands found her groin. "No, no, no, no..."


"No- I- I did not get her...pregnant." A whimper escaped her and her eyes squeezed shut. It was as if just mentioning the subject awakened something in her...or more awakened someone. "We- we haven't even...we just..."

Elsa could feel Anna's eyes boring into her.

Her sister knew something was amiss and as soon as she figured out what it was, she too was suddenly very uncomfortable.

God, it was mortifying, Elsa always hated how she'd pop a boner at the worst times. To be in front of her sister while this was happening? Yeah, not cool.

"Uh, my god... I'd say have Y/n help with that-" Anna cleared her throat and looked away.

"That's the problem," Elsa said softly. "I- we've only kissed once, and Grand Pabbie said it'd keep happening like this until I-I-I did it with her and I don't know what to do!" All of the past few day's worth of emotion came spilling out of her. The words, the confession probably going to someone who shouldn't know that stuff but Elsa didn't care. To speak about what she had been dealing with was so...relieving.

She sought guidance and emotional support. Thank god Anna was good for one of the two.

"Okay...okay...I imagine it's hard...no pun intended." Elsa chuckled a little at that. The so-intended pun lightened her mood a bit. "Elsa, you're amazing, a good sister and friend, Y/n is probably head over heels for you." She started shaking her head to disagree but Anna wasn't having any of it. "No, it'd be impossible for her not to be."

"I asked her to dinner tonight. She said yes but I- I don't know..."

"Elsa, that's a wonderful idea. You can learn more about each other and that leaves room for things to escalate further. I can help you get ready. If Grand Pabbie said that stuff, you must look your best to make this plan a success."

Elsa nodded meekly, very grateful for her sister's support and kind words. Truth be told it was just what she needed.

"Now, I'd give you a hug," Anna said chuckling, referencing Elsa's recent and still-going erection. "But you're...yeah...no."

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