Getting Sussy 8 (Among Us)

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Brown yearned to go back to her room and sleep. Fuck whatever Tan was doing, she had half a mind to get off the table put her suit back on and follow him. But just as she was about to do so, the door opened again, and she turned her head to spot the one 'crewmate' that she didn't want to see.

Gritting her teeth, Brown felt a flash of anger as the imposter spoke, coming closer.

"Tan said that you weren't well, he said that-"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" she said, her voice strained from the sudden rush of overwhelming emotions.

"Brown. Please, just listen to me-"

"No!" Brown felt a hot tear run down her cheek. She wiped at it with the back of her hand before realizing that she was shaking. "Leave!"

"Tan said that it's a girl. She's a girl. Our daughter-"

"Our daughter...?" Brown said in disbelief. "Our daughter?"

"Yes, our daughter-"

"Why the fuck would I want to have your kid?" she spat. Bitter.

At this, Orange appeared to be visibly hurt by her words. As if she had crossed a line. She stopped trying to advance, silent as Brown continued to berate her.

"You used me, lied to me! " she sobbed. "And if I was Maroon? Cyan? You would have fucked me and left me just as you are now."

"I will not leave you."

Brown shuddered as she cried, wishing that she could just draw into herself and never come out again. "I hate you. Why did you have to...."

"I am sorry." Orange said, saying it with each step. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Until she was in front of Brown. She reached a hand out and attempted to pull Brown into a hug.

"I hate you- I hate you- I hate you-" was all Brown said over and over, pushing at Orange, but she soon slowed to a stop, exhausted and just so upset. She sobbed into Oranges hold, hating the fact that she did not see an alien, she did not see a stranger. It was just Orange. All she felt was Orange. "Why?" she sobbed.

"I love you. I love you and I....I did not get you pregnant on purpose I..."

"Yes, you did!" Brown cried, angry with the imposter who pulled back a bit to try and look her in the eyes.

"Not that time, I didn't! It was a mistake, okay? didn't cross my mind to use a condom, it didn't cross my mind that you would get pregnant."

"You said it was your...your mis-"

"It was not my mission! And I am sorry if I have confused you. I did not get you pregnant on purpose but that doesn't mean that I regret it."

Brown didn't want to believe her. She didn't want to feel the heat, the comfort radiating off of the imposter. But...she felt so alone and even though...even though it would find a way to worm itself into her mind later on...

She felt a piece of her guilt break off and dissipate into nothing.

"I don't want to be alone." She whispered in a hoarse voice, shivering as she held onto Orange tighter.

"I won't leave you. I'd never leave you."

Another piece broke off and dissipated.

Brown shook her head, feeling a wave of hot tears stream down her cheeks when she blinked. Sniffling, she spoke again. "You say you love me, then why did you lie? Why didn't you just tell me? And how can I say I love you too when I can't even trust you."

Orange nodded her head in understanding. Acknowledging all of Brown's words and emotions. "Let me prove it." She said, pulling back a bit to look Brown in the eyes. "Let me prove it to you. If you want space, I will give it. If you want to talk, I will speak. I'm...." Orange hesitated for a second before speaking again. "I know what I did was wrong and to know that I have hurt you...broken your heart." She shook her head, apparently trying not to cry herself. She inhaled deeply before taking Brown's hand and placing it to her heart. "I will do all that it takes to make us whole again."

And with those words Brown felt a little less sad, a little less angry and a little better. 

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