Getting Sussy 3 (Among Us)

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"Yeah?" Brown said, loud enough so that the person knocking on the metal doors of her room could hear.

As they opened in stepped no one other than Orange, holding...a flower?

It was yellow and luciously petled, no doubt a product of maroons gardening experiments. "Hey." Orange stepped to her, smiling kindly.

Brown noticed this and noted how the woman wasn't looking to rub her strange behavior, instead she seemed to come out of concern.

"I, uh, picked this for you. Figured it'd look nice or-or that you'd like it." Orange handed her the flower.


"I was wondering...if you were doing okay? You- you were upset earlier and to be honest, I don't know why."

"Yeah..." Brown played with the stem of the flower, suddenly nervous. Truth be told, she didn't really have an answer. She stayed silent then, feeling sort of...ashamed of her behavior.

"Can I give you a hug?"

She did not expect it. It was few and far between that she and Orange were just talking or touching without any sexual motives. But Orange just waited for her answer, not making any unwanted advances, so Brown nodded.

Minding the flower, she let her arms wrap around Orange's neck while the woman held her waist, holding her close. It wasn't until she felt Orange fully relax into the embrace that she sighed, tipping her head into the crook of her neck.

Past the latex suit she could vaguely smell Orange's cologne and it...calmed her. "I'm sorry..." she said, all choked up all of a sudden. Burning tears fell from her eyes and even under the helmet Orange could tell.

"Hey, hey..."

"I'm so s-sorry!" she sobbed into her sort-of-lovers suit. All of the guilt and emotions that came out of nowhere fell upon her like a 10 ton weight.

And with nothing else to say, other than sorry, Brown cried and cried until as quickly as it started, her tears stopped and she just whimpered holding onto Orange who eventually spoke.

"Move to the bed?" she whispered, helping guide the crying woman to the bunk beds, knowing she resided on the bottom, leaving the top empty. "C'mon." Orange worked to undress both of them, stripping to their underwear and bras. Then she snuggled up to Brown, draping the blanket over them as she kissed her cheek, holding the already sleeping woman close.


When Brown awoke, Orange was gone and all that remained was the yellow flower set upon her nightstand. The smell of the imposter was printed onto the pillow beside her and as she sighed, well rested, and unable to remember why she was upset in the first place, she leaned over and inhaled the cloth deeply. The smell calming her and somehow making her feel safe.

Her heart throbbed in her chest and for a brief moment she imagined Orange, leaning over her, arms keeping her trapped along with her eye, gaze drawing her in. And she leans down, kissing-

"Yo, are you- What the fuck?"

Brown nearly jumped out of her suit, well, she would have had it been on.

Black stood in the doorway of the conjoined bathroom with a look of deep confusion on her features. "Bro, what are you doing? Where is your suit? Why...?"

"What did I tell you about knocking?!" Brown nearly shouted, startled and pissed.


"Gods, you nearly scared the shit out of me, what if I had been fully naked?!"

"Uh, yeah, speaking of which, why are you laying in bed, half dressed looking as if you were about to kiss the top bunk?"

"I was...It's none of your business, I wasn't doing anything!"


Brown huffed and stood grabbing her suit from off the floor, shrugging it back on. "What, why are you in here?"

"Well, I came to tell you that I saw your girl walking around the halls suspiciously happy."

Brown already knew she was referring to Orange. "She's not my girl-"

"And I also wanted to let you know Tan said you're next."

"Fuck." Brown hated the monthly checkups, she just hated anything in general that had to do with the doctors. "Do-"

"Yes, this month is mandatory, just like every other month." Brown watched Black roll her eyes, already knowing about her dislike of doctors. "Now, if you would please get going so that Tan doesn't think I forgot to remind you or something."

"Fine," Brown grumbled, making her way to the automated door and then to the Medical Bay.


Inside Tan was fiddling with paper work, muttering to himself.



"Fucking- TAN!" Brown nearly shouted, already peeved and ready to get this shit over with. It wasn't her fault she was so upset, the med room always activated her anxiety.

"Huh? Oh hey, Brown, just the person I was expecting, come, come in, have a seat."

Brown looked around, already grimacing at the thought of Tan saying that she needed a vaccine or some shit.

And the way Tan got his stethoscope in hand, coming close to press it against her chest had her breathing heavily.

"Relax..." he said, meaning to calm her.

It did no such thing.

And it didn't help when he cleared his throat while listening to her heartbeat. "I- uh. Well, I'm glad I locked the door."


"-Because I have get a blood sample."

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