Alexanders - Ch 6

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We rode into Valentine. The horse's hooves mashing into the muddy ground, weaving through people walking past and other riders.

And despite the smell of sheep and tobacco and the homeliness of the town, I loved this place. It was the definition of the west. A classic town.

Working girls and cowboys filled the saloon, a sheriff patrolled the streets. It had every store you'd need. Really, it was perfect.

"Woah..." I said quietly, oogling the saloon especially. A drink sounded real nice right about now.

"Focus," Chase said, noticing where my attention was. "We're here to get you a horse and some guns, that's all. No drinks and absolutely no fights."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm a new woman baby. Physical violence is not my thing."

Next thing I know Chase went in front of Sadie and made her way to the stables, pulling up right in front of the double doors. "Off my horse," she nearly growled. "Go find your own."

Damn. Just when I was beginning to get on her good side. Clearly, my words weren't too favorable to her, especially that 'baby' part. So, I dismounted and she started off again before I could say anything. I turned around when I heard a sigh behind me. "C'mon, let's go."

Sadie led me into the stables and we were greeted by a man with a scruffy mustache. "How can I help you ladies?" he said, petting Sadie's horse on the muzzle. The horse leaned into his touch as if he were some sort of horse whisperer.

"I need to get my friend a horse." She pointed at me. "Something durable, resilient. Something that can take a few shots."

He looked at me and nodded with a smile. "You got a preference? Stallion or mare?"

I was about to say mare like usual but then I thought of Chase's assumptions and decided that I wanted to prove her wrong. "Stallion."

He nodded and motioned to the large selection of horses all kept in their respective stalls. "Morgans are over there, Dutch Warmbloods over there, and we've got a few American Paints to the back."

I looked around as he went on about the different horses. One horse drew me in. He was thin and smaller than the rest. A Morgan. "What about this one?" I said approaching the stall.

"Ermm, I don't think he really meets your requirements..."

I held out my hand and he sniffed it, deeming me trustworthy, and let me pet his muzzle. "This one," I said with a smile.

When I looked back at Sadie and the man they were wearing faces of doubt but eventually Sadie shrugged, "How much?"

The man said five which was very cheap, but given the horse's condition, it sort of made sense. He also gave me a free brush and some carrots on a count of he felt bad for the poor animal.

Sadie paid for me and refused any of my offers to pay her back. "Call it a welcoming gift."

I ended up naming the horse Joel, after an old feller I once knew.


The gunsmiths was stocked as if he'd just gotten a new shipment.

Repeaters and rifles lined the walls, the finest guns set to display, showing off their different details. All the while, revolvers with ornate engravings were shown, sealed in glass cases.

It was all so impressive for a small town gunsmith. All of the merchandise seemed to be something that'd be displayed in Said Denis, like the bow Sadie saw.

"Charles'd be all over this one." She was right. It had beautiful feathers on each bow stave. The grip was a nice dark leather and the wood of the bow was covered in a golden brown varnish.

It was a masterpiece in every sense of the word.

While thinking of good weapons I spotted a springfield. It was a bright maple color, covered with the design of a bear. In all honesty, it looked amazing, and right away I knew Chase would love it. Though one rifle through my pockets said I couldn't get it for her.

All I had was the 100 dollars that Sadie proceeded to hand me, gesturing to the counter where the store owner eagerly awaited my purchase.


Needless to say, I walked away with a fine piece of iron and a promise to pay Sadie back.


We met Chase and Charles by the butcher.

Charles, purchasing some prime cuts of whatever he thought was best, and Chase, smoking of all things, but she quickly stamped out the cigarette and waved any smoke from her face when she saw me. 

"So you got along well?" Charles said, digging in his satchel for some money which he handed to the butcher in exchange for some parchment-wrapped beef.

"Yeah," Sadie sighed, "She uh, she got a double-action and this feller."

My horse snorted on cue and both Chase and Charles looked at him. I spoke up. "Joel, Chase, and Charles. Chase and Charles, Joel."

"He's uh...quite the steed," Charles commented. "How much did you pay?" Sadie answered and they started a conversation.

I looked at Chase, waiting, wanting for her to say something, wanting to ask her and confront her about the smoking...but she just looked away.

"-Anyways," Sadie said, now talking to all of us. "We best head out. If we're lucky we'll get a couple more hours in 'til the sun sets." 

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