Tea 1

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 A steaming cup was how she liked to start her day. The sound of the tea kettle, like a symphony to her ears. The sight of a steeping tea bag was nearly therapeutic for her.

Her fiancé called her weird. Maybe he was right.

Or maybe he just didn't get it.

It didn't matter though, her drive to work was filled with careful sips and thoughts of her. It made her giddy within to imagine the apple of her eye on her knees in front of her, basking in all the attention she could give.

The way her 'assistant' shared strong pekoe with her and sipped it slowly, putting on a show...

She idly thought if it was some sort of kink, after all, a cup of tsai was just the thing to get her going.

The parking lot was near-empty when she pulled up.


She awoke at 4 am and was out of the house by 45 past for a reason, she loved the quiet building. She found it to be calming while most might find the building, void of students and most staff, to be eerie. A large quiet space.

On her way to her classroom she smiled to herself, loving the warm cup in hand and the weight of her bag,

Her key made an audible click when she placed it in her door's lock and turned. The cold chill that was in the room rushed out to greet her. She then quickly entered and shut the door behind herself, going over and settling at her desk.

She worked quickly to open her bag and pull out a thermos, unscrewing the top, releasing steam. The tea was carefully poured into her half-empty cup, refilling it and she eagerly took a sip.

She had just put the thermos back and taken out some papers for her third period that she needed to grade when her door opened, catching her attention.

Heart a-flutter, she watched as the woman of her dreams quietly slipped into the room, closing the door softly. Both of them were wary of someone hearing them so they always spoke in whispers when alone.


"No, no, sucralose."

She watched over the rim of her cup as the woman pulled a chair close so that she sat directly in front of her, not obstructed by her desk. "I'd offer you a sip but..."

"But I already had some pekoe."

"I know," she said, taking a quick sip, "Honey?"

"No, actually, I used molasses."

The word molasses made her grimace. It was one of her least favorite sweeteners next to stevia.

Though her reaction made the woman chuckle, a hand getting placed on her thigh as the other one lowered the cup from her lips. "It's not that bad," she murmured.

She was drawn to distraction by the woman's lips as she leaned closer. "It...couldn't be worse..." Her heart fluttered even faster as the highlight of her day commenced.

The woman kissed her.

The woman tasted faintly of the black tea and mint and she couldn't help but whimper softly into the kiss. The hand that was on her thigh pressed hard as the woman kissed her harder.

It seemed every day that they continued this...avocation of sorts, they went farther and farther.

Or maybe it was that she felt herself fall more and more, wanting more and more.

Her fiancé was no longer someone she desired or admired for that matter, she lay awake at night next to the one she didn't love thinking of the woman and this....circle they ran around each morning and evening.

Kissing at 6:05 am and then again at 3:45 pm.

The woman's watch beeped, signaling the time, they separated softly. "Early..." she murmured.

"More," she almost whispered but instead found herself trapping the words in her throat, eyes trained on the woman staring at her watch. But instead of leaning forward and continuing what they started in a rush of bravery, she quickly took a sip and looked away.

Her tea was still steaming hot but she didn't notice in her anguish.

"Well...I...." the woman whispered, close, clearly wanting more and not as apprehensive as she was.

Just then the click of static and then the voice of an administrator rang out through the speakers, echoing.

It startled both of them.

"Staff: There are refreshments in the lounge as a national teacher's day gift. Have a nice day."

They both stood still for a moment until the woman exhaled softly and leaned back, her chair giving a slight creak, the old thing. She briefly thought of how the school ought to get new materials, after all, she'd been here for nearly 10 years and nothing had-

The warmth from the woman's hands left her thighs as she stood, dragging the chair back to its place.

She was a fool to let her mind wander. To let her guard down even slightly. What they had...wasn't real. Wasn't legitimate.

So then, why did her eyes prick and burn with the threat of tears? Closing the left and then the right, she sighed and took another sip, covering the fact that she was willing herself not to let any semblance of emotion slip. And when she finally did open her eyes again, her assistant...

She was gone.

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