Alexanders - Ch 8

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My eyes burned with tears and my heart physically ached as I cried, sitting on my bedroll.

All I felt was pain.

Even when we had broken up it didn't hurt this much. I guess I always thought we'd be back together or something like that. That I'd still have her in some way.

But to hear her words, it made me believe that she truly didn't want me. That she was telling me to get lost for good.

Sadie tried to console me, tried to get the details of what had happened but I closed her out, wallowing in self pity.

I heard her talking briefly with Charles before the sound of her footsteps faded.

Then the sound of Charles clearing his throat called to me.

"She went to..."

I looked up, he was gesturing in the supposed direction that Sadie had gone. The same area where I and Chase had walked before.

She was heading after her, I know. "It's no use," I whispered, shaking my head in despair, sniffling.

Charles just moved to sit beside me. His voice was quiet. "I'm not sure what you want to hear. I'm not good with this stuff like Sadie is."

This made me chuckle despite my tears. A change in the subject is what I needed.


"I imagine you two will work it out. How's that?"

"It's a start. She really...really hurt me..." I said with a sigh.

Charles then cleared his throat all loud-like and puffed out his chest just for show. "I'm real sorry for the way I acted, could you ever forgive me, my love?"

I looked at him stunned and greatly amused. He had sounded exactly like Chase to the point where if it weren't so funny it'd be horrifying. "Spot on," I said with a chuckle, "Though I've never heard her say 'my love'."

"Eh, Always room for improvement."

"It'd be nice to see those words come out of her mouth though..."

"I'm sure Sadie's over there giving her a kick in the ass. The woman made it her life mission to get you two together, although I don't know why."

Yeah, it was nice to have Sadie acting as a guiding spirit that worked to keep me and Chase on the same page.

"Think it might remind her of her man and what they were..." he said quietly. I guessed as much.

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